Loving our husbands! Such a deep and earnest matter! Definitely a subject I love to study. It is most certainly a subject that I need to acquire more godly wisdom in and that I need to practice that godly wisdom in my personal life. But to me it is a sweet, peaceful topic of study. I sincerely would love to encourage all married ladies to love and enjoy their husbands all the days of their lives.
When I recall the almost 34 years of marriage to my husband, I must admit that it brings a sweet smile to my face. The memories also bring to me a shame that I have not done a better job in my God-given task of loving my husband.
Many scriptures command and instruct us to obey our husbands (1 Peter 3:1-2, 1 Corinthians 11:3, Ephesians 5:22-24, others). Ah, think how wonderful God’s plan is when we truly love our husbands; for the obeying part will come so much easier! I have seen many women obey without love and it can produce so much unhappiness. I have seen women who say that they love their husband, but they cannot obey him. God’s perfect plan is to love and obey.
I can honestly say that my love for my husband has been growing through our 34 years. And I look forward to all the growing it will keep on doing for the next 34 years. In Proverbs 29:18, the scriptures say, “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Can we not apply this to our love for our husbands? Have a vision of sincere love to give to your husband. Plan for its growth each and every day. Purpose each day to increase your love and honor toward your husband. On each wedding anniversary spend your private time with God in honest evaluation of the previous year of marriage. Have you been praying to be the godly wife God wants you to be? Have you been dwelling too much on the improvements you want to see in your husband instead of the improvements you need? Have you spent too much time in a dream world of; “If only he would…?”
In sympathy, I know that many women will say, “But you don’t understand He is _________ or he has _________.” No matter how your husband will be held in accountability to God for his life, no matter how sinful and sad it is; your obligation before God is to love and obey. Of course, we are not talking about obeying ungodliness in any form. God is our Rock and our Guide. Use James 4:8 and picture this scripture in relationship to your own husband. Draw close to your husband and pray that he will draw close to you. Purpose in your heart to be his closest friend, next to Christ our Lord.
God’s Word is full of scriptures and of people’s examples that will guide us and encourage us to be a loving, and godly wife. Romans 13:10, “Love worketh no ill to his neighbor:” Titus 2: 4-5, “… to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed.” Ladies, these words are from the mind of God to us! To be discreet can be defined as being cautious, careful, prudent, using practical wisdom. To be chaste can be thought as to be modest, innocent, pure, and virtuous. Our love needs to be self-less and sacrificing. We need to have a true concern for our husband’s spiritual and physical well-being; all done in a manner pleasing to God.
Let us all please God with our meek and quiet spirit. Let us help our husbands to Heaven with our chaste conversation, our pure behavior. Let us love with a fervent love. 1 Peter 4:8 says, “And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves; for charity shall cover a multitude of sins.” 1 John 4:7 tells us, “Beloved, love one another: for love is of God;”
Love your husbands deeply, truly, sincerely with all your might; for he is your gift from God!
By Susan Follis
Susan is a homeschooling mom in Ramah, CO and attends the Calhan church of Christ with her husband, Jim. She is the proud mother of six and grandmother of four. Susan enjoys learning everything she can about being a godly wife and mother. God has blessed her so richly! :o)
Tami Roberts says
Thank you Susan!!! It makes me SO sad to hear women talk ugly to or about their husbands, because I know that they are missing out on the amazing blessings found in marriage. I pray daily to be a godly wife, a blessing to my husband.
Jennifer Hahn says
Ha, Ha,You wrote this for me didn’t you!?
Well if you can make it work with my ornery brother than I figure I can with Charly! But seriously I have to tell the ladies.., if you have a trust issue, give it to God and trust Him. After 20 some odd years of marriage I’ll admit that sometimes this is the only way. So far it works!
wifeofapreacher says
Thank you Susan! I’ve found that my husband enjoys hearing ways that he “makes my job easy.” It is encouraging for him to hear that I’m striving to fulfill my God-given commission to love him and bring him happiness, but also to hear specific ways in which he makes it a joyful work for me through his words and actions. So many Scriptures talk about Christians encouraging one another, and I can’t think of an easier or more important place to start than with your spouse. Great post!
Deanna Myers says
Susan, I so agree with all you said! Paul and I have been married for almost 36 years. It has been such a wonderful journey and I am so very blessed!!! We must always remember that the things that we might feel that our spouse needs to change probably would change when we make changes in ourselves. After all, we only have control over ourself and no one else.
I so loved getting to meet you yesterday. It was such a blessing to be in Calhan for worship. What a wonderful plan God has for us all to be a part of His blessed family!
LauraWarnes says
Wow, Susan, 34 years! I thank God that you took the time to share this wisdom! And I loved your advice to regularly look back at our lives and check ourselves to see if we are really loving our husbands the way that God would want us to so that we can plan for even better futures. Great advice from a sweet lady who is happily married!