Thanks to Netflix and Clearplay, my family and I recently sat down to watch the movie “Rudy,” an inspiring drama based on a true story of a young man with a passion for football. All young Rudy Ruettiger wanted was to attend Notre Dame, the famous university that was the home of Rudy’s favorite football team, the Fighting Irish. More than anything, Rudy longed to play on the team he had idolized and adored since childhood. But many obstacles stood in Rudy’s way, including the lack of funds to pay the tuition for Notre Dame. Battling discouragement, the skepticism of others, and a learning disorder, Rudy stood up bravely against seemingly unconquerable odds and worked tirelessly to achieve his dream.
I enjoyed the movie very much. I admired Rudy for his iron resolve and fierce determination to persevere and never give up, even when the only person who believed in him was himself. Rudy held onto his dream and wouldn’t let go. His hard work, eagerness to win, and to finish what he started to chase after was inspiring to me. Watching that movie made me think about my own hopes and dreams. I wanted to be filled with that same fire and zeal Rudy had when he worked to reach his goal. After watching that movie, I felt like I needed a purpose and goal of Rudy’s magnitude and go after it with a vengeance.
But then this thought occurred to me: Rudy poured himself, his savings, everything he was and had into his dream of playing football on his favorite team. He sacrificed, sweated and bled for his dream. And while that dream was a noble aspiration in itself in the movie, I couldn’t help thinking, “Okay, now you get to play football, just like you wanted to for years. Now what? At the end of your life what is going to truly matter? Will it be how many touchdowns you scored on the field?
What if we thought of the Christian life from this perspective: we all have different plans and dreams about our lives; goals to achieve, hopes to realize. But our true hope is in Jesus Christ, and our common plan is to go to Heaven! That should be our main focus and goal; to please God and go home to Him one day. I can have big dreams for my life, but I need to be careful my own plans don’t overshadow or push out the plans God has for me.
The big question is, “What is going to be more important in the long run?” At the end of your life, you may not have accomplished all the goals you set for yourself. You may not achieve every one of your dreams. But, if you live a life of righteousness in submission to God’s authority, then your life will be a success and that is what matters.
So, if you have big dreams like Rudy, don’t give up on them. Don’t be afraid to work hard and make those dreams a reality while remembering the ultimate goal: going home to God!
“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mark 8:36, 37)
By Lacey Deaver
Lacey Deaver is 18 years old and lives in Denton, TX. She is very passionate about history, writing and literature, and God is the King of her life. She also loves to spend time with friends and browsing around in bookstores, and she holds a deep appreciation for newly sharpened pencils.
Wonderful article Lacey, thank you!
Lacey what a great example of looking for the spiritual application in what we do. Thank you for your hard work.
Great job. Loved it.
Thank you for that articale Just this morning those worlds came into my mind. Thinking about how much we put into some things that people and (myself included), think are so important. (our homes, making sure we get money,food,education,and such like). Yet our spiritual life and connection with God is neglected. * The subject came up in bible class as well. ** Later I thought we are not incotrol of others we are the the only one that can change our minds. When we are willing to allow God to us you for his good pleasure. Has nothing to do with what pleasure we get from it. Many time doin what he wants is not what we feel good doing however,is needed. Looking as others and seeing thier failures and not looking at our own is a destraction,and is false,security that we are doing what we should be. Only when we see our selfeves as sinners learning and willing to change to please God,we will like wise parish like the ones we speak able. (Those who are spiritual restore such a one. (the falling, which is sometimes is yourself) Mark those that cause division.
What will it protect a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?
*** A question that can be asked everyday, to help us stay on track,and help us to ger a true evaluation, yet that is only from what we think, It is only by the grace and mercy of God can we make it and be what he wants us to be it is everyday learning and doing. Not a one stop shot deal.It is a lifetime.
God bless and keep.