The Word of God is so powerful! It touches anyone willing to seek and it guides each individual differently depending on where they are in their life. Have you ever read a passage over and over and one day it speaks to you so clearly, like never before?
As I read the passage in Matthew about the Canaanite woman, it “spoke” to me differently. Clearly this woman in Matthew 15:21-28 had faith in Jesus and He fulfilled her request, but as I read this passage as a mother, I began to think about what great lengths this woman went to get her daughter healed.
We see that this Canaanite woman was seeking out. She was looking for Jesus. You might say she was on a mission. We know that in Matthew 7:7-8, Jesus tells us to ask, seek, and knock. Those that ask will receive, and those that seek will find, and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. I love this passage because it is so clear. How many times do we look for something and find it by really putting our minds to the task? In the end we are so pleased and grateful that we found what we were looking for! Then of course there are times that we give up looking because it just seems impossible… but with our children, we must not find ourselves giving up. Let me just say: This is a great task because as we parent our children, there are so many journeys that we go through with them, that at times it would be nice to just throw our hands up and say, “I give up!”
We see that the Canaanite woman did not give up even when Jesus referred to her as a dog. Many times I believe this would stop us in our tracks, and in this day and age, who knows what a person would have done. Did this stop her? No way! She accepted being referred to as a dog. She even went further and said, “Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” She had her daughter in mind and wanted Jesus to heal her. Look how this persistence paid off! Persistence and faith lead her daughter to being healed.
You might say this is a bit extreme. Of course many of us, if our children were dying, would go to the ends of the earth to do whatever it took to get them the proper care to be well again. We are talking about their physical well being. How about their spiritual well being? Let us adhere to Deuteronomy 11:18-21: teach them as we sit, walk, lie down and get up– basically any time, anywhere. This world feeds us many lies, and, moms, as you know, it is easy to get caught up in what other mothers are saying and doing in this world. This makes it so difficult for us to keep the right focus. Let me encourage each and every one of you to be like this woman. Be persistent with faith in the raising of your family. Look to the Word of God for strength, other Godly families for guidance, and never give up!
By Amy Basic
Adam and Amy have been married for 20 years. They have three wonderful, faithful Christian boys. Adam is a hard working husband and father. Amy is a stay-at-home-mom. Their family has a deep love for Christ and desire to always speak the truth. They have lived in the Oklahoma City area now for 19 years and are currently attending North MacArthur Church of Christ.
Anna Adams says
Wow! Needed this today as my 3 1/2 plus year old is going through a “stage”. She doesn’t want to sleep which makes it hard to find alone time for bible study and prayer. It also puts a strain between me and my husband. We drive a long distance to worship services because the congregations in the county we live in are not faithful. We find ourselves facing so many challenges with my husband having the only income me being a stay at home mom and gas money traveling to services. We have said we needed to “give up” although we don’t want to deep down we sometimes think this because we are human. Thank you for this encourgement.
amy says
Anna, you will be in my prayers. For many years we lived just making ends meet so our boys could have mom at home. It was a tough time. Let me encourage you to pray fervently about this. God takes care of his people. He took care of us. Maybe pray that you can find somethiing at home to bring in some extra. Keep up the great work! 🙂