Could there be any greater cause for excitement than to see someone give their life to the Father?! This is especially true if you have played a part in leading, teaching, or encouraging them in their steps to the Faith. Our congregation welcomed two new souls this week–one as a six pound newborn, and the other as a “babe in Christ.” Not only are we excited about a new Sister, but the angels are rejoicing with us! (Luke 15:10)
We have been told to: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20) We have a great responsibility to share the Gospel with the lost around us, and I think it is important to ponder the Lord’s Word before, and while, we do it.
First of all, we are NOT the judge of who needs the Word, or who will respond to it. We just read the verse about making disciples of ALL nations. I have foolishly thought before about how someone would be such a good Christian, because they are already a “good” person already. Keep in mind that it is only the Lord who knows the hearts of us all (Psalm 44:21) and He is the One who will be sure that if we are seeking, we will find the Truth (Matthew 7:7). Remember also, it is not the well who need healing, but the sick. Try not to let our bias toward someone decide whether or not we witness to them. Speak the Truth in love, and then let their heart decide where they take things from there (Ephesians 4:15).
Keep in mind the parable Jesus told about the sower in Matthew 13. Here He describes the types of people who hear the Word.
The seed thrown beside the road is someone who hears the Word, does not understand it, and is snatched away by the evil one (Matthew 13:19).
The seed thrown on rocky places are those who receive the Word with joy. Because they have no firm root, when persecution comes because of the Word, they immediately fall away (Matthew 13:20-21).
Next, we have seed falling among the thorns, and these are those who hear the Word, and the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches choke the Word, and it is unfruitful. (Matthew 13:22).
Finally, we have the seed thrown on good soil. These are the ones who hear the Word, understand it, and bear fruit for the Kingdom (Matthew 13:23).
The crucial part of “sowing seeds” of God’s Word is understanding that we only can control the part of making sure the seed is sown–they decide what type of “soil” they will be. Yes, it is sad to see those we care deeply about reject the Word, but the seed was still planted. Sometimes it may take time for the seeds to “germinate.” That is exactly what my prayer has been for my children. I worked at planting God’s Word in them as children, and prayed that as they grew to adulthood, they would make Him their Lord and Master. As a daycare provider, I pray this about all the munchkins who have passed in and out of our home over the years. I have the blessed privilege of teaching them some of God’s Truths every day, and I pray these “seeds” will be “watered” by others as they mature, and they will come into the Kingdom when they reach the age of reason. We plant, others water, and God gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6)!
Never discount the providence of God either. I make a point to talk to those who knock on my door from other church affiliations. The idea that I stress to them is that I don’t believe they are teaching the Truth, but God’s providence brought them to my door. Would they come in and study the Word with me? I tell them I would love to study in-depth with them and my husband, who is a teacher of the Word. To date, nobody has taken me up on my offer, but I hope it caused them to stop and think, and possibly reevaluate their faith.
Another important reminder is that we don’t have to travel overseas to reach the lost. We have a mission field sitting right next door to us. I don’t know about you, but none of our neighbors are Christians, or even church-going families. We leave a quiet neighborhood on Sunday mornings. Something modeled to me by a dear Sister who has since passed on to her reward is to go and greet your new neighbors when they are moving in. Take them a homemade goodie, and tell them if they are looking for a church home, you have a recommendation! Leave them a card with the church building address and meeting times. If you have a home Bible study, invite them to that also, or better yet, start one up with friends and tell them they are welcome to join in.
Let’s have the mind set of Isaiah, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I, send me!’” (Isaiah 6:8) As you go about the hustle and bustle of this day, let me encourage you to put a song in your heart that was inspired by Isaiah’s words:
There is much to do, there’s work on every hand;
Hark, the cry for help comes ringing through the land,
Jesus calls for reapers, I must active be,
Ready at Thy bidding, Lord send me!Here am I, Lord send me.
Here am I, Lord send me,
Ready at Thy bidding, Lord send me!(Song written by M. W. Spencer)
Robin Martin
Robin and her husband, Randy, work with the Lord’s church in Rosemount, Minnesota. They are blessed to have 7 children and 10 grandchildren. She is ever grateful for the grace of God and His undying love.
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