Speaking up about our faith can feel so intimidating. Many times, the pressure of how someone may react or the fear of offending someone can distract us in moments when it is crucial that we speak the truth. We may even be put in a situation where defending our faith can cause us to be criticized, lose our job, be mocked, or any number of things; however, we can’t allow ourselves to fall silent in the midst of opportunity.
Unfortunately, we have all been in situations where we may have been hesitant to speak the truth. Sometimes it may just be an awkward conversation we want to avoid, or a touchy topic that we want to leave alone, but we must always remember the examples given to us in Scripture. We read about many people who may have been uncomfortable defending the faith. These men were watching their brothers in Christ be put to death and most likely terrified of the consequences of confessing Jesus, but they acted in faith anyway.
Paul gives us a wonderful example of how we should react in those times of fear. In Acts 21, we find Paul being bound and beaten after being seen in the temple. The people accused him of defiling the Holy Place and wanted to have him killed; however, his reaction to this situation is one we should all strive to follow.
After being brought into the barracks, Paul took advantage of the opportunity to speak up. As he was being carried away he pleaded, “…I beg you, allow me to speak to the people” (Acts 21:39). Even while they were seeking to kill Paul, he was not afraid to use this opportunity to speak to the people about Jesus. We are given a wonderful example in Acts 21 and 22 of how Paul was not afraid to speak of the truth, and we shouldn’t be either. We must stand firm in our faith and confident in Christ.
No matter what obstacles come in our way or what threats may precede us, we must always remember the importance of the Gospel. We have to be prepared and be proud to confess our Lord to anyone at any time. In a sobering passage Jesus states, “Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 10:32-33). We cannot afford to let fear or silence creep into our lives when Jesus has done so much for us.
“…For I am ready not only to be bound, but even to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 21:13)
by Katy Ballance
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