At the end of the gospel of Matthew, the Great Commission is recorded. It says, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (28:19).” Sometimes as women we find it difficult to “go” during our busy, day-to-day lives. I am pleased to announce that Come Fill Your Cup is starting a new feature called “Go Into All the World Challenges.” Two Mondays out of the month I will be issuing a challenge:something simple to help us go about our daily lives sharing Jesus with those we know and those we do not. Hopefully you will use these challenges to get the entire family involved in living our Christianity. The ultimate goal in these challenges is to help us make contacts with the lost through which the gospel can be shared. I am looking forward to sharing some practical ways that we can give “beautiful feet” to the church (Romans 10:15).
Lacing up my tennis shoes to go for Christ,
Chelli Guthrie
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