By the end of the week, a few of my girlfriends joke, “Yikes, it sure is Fried-ay!” We “keepers of the home” (Titus 2:5) have our work set out for us, don’t we? This is a blessed, but busy world for Christian women, and a week can leave us feeling a bit burnt out. Are you someone like me who feels like you’re always running late or forgetting something (because you probably are)? I desperately want to please God as the heart of my home, and I know for things to go as smoothly as possible, excellent time management is of utmost importance. I want to feel a peace at the end of my week, believing I did my part, don’t you?
At my week’s end, here are a few things my soul ponders:
How was my calendar keeping?
To help my week be a success, written goals and reminders are fabulous tools. My lists, sticky notes, and most importantly, my calendar and pencil, are close friends. Forming visible plans helps solidify the importance of tasks and also brings accountability (use sticky notes around the computer screen!) Using a pencil reminds us it is okay to erase and reschedule with the unpredictability of life. I feel good about bringing a consistent schedule to my household and maintaining control over healthy daily habits. I can initiate them and oversee they’re followed through. There WILL be daily Bible time, prayers and praise to God, exercise and fresh air, hugs and kisses, fruits and veggies at meals, and strict bed and quiet times (even for me!) Also, when scheduling projects, are we looking for team work opportunities? Write these down, and get out your enthusiasm! Even a toddler can “help” with (a.k.a. prolong) tasks. Children feel proud contributing to the family unit’s well being. Pulling family members together to work teaches responsibility and selflessness. Mom is also asking to burn out early if she takes all the chores upon herself. As the woman of the house, do your part to incorporate healthy routines and chores for everyone, and stick to them. Remind of Ecclesiastes 9:10: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…” Plan, work together, achieve…watch how gratifying that success is for every member of the family!
Did I toss out the clutter?
There’s nothing more distracting to me than clutter lying around. If we don’t need it, it’s in the way. What about time clutter? Often it’s hard to make it through a chore or a conversation without a text interrupting. I’ve even witnessed my children be distracted mid-thought by the beeps! And isn’t it hard sometimes to just sit and watch our kids grow without pulling out the smart phone? (After all, our worlds add so much adorableness to Instagram!) I’m a huge fan of the sharing and encouragement phone correspondence and social media brings, not to mention the home-making resource Pinterest can be, but are we self-disciplined in their use? Does Twitter or Facebook suck up attention that your family and home could really use? Does laundry get ignored and dinner pushed back because “you’ve been too busy pinning delicious recipes”?! What about energy-sucking hobbies and games, or pointless entertainment? They’re everywhere! The hubs and I try to hold each other accountable for avoiding time clutter; we nicely call it “dinking.” Together, designate time the “screens” are shut off or on silent mode, plugged in and away somewhere out of sight. Were there uninterrupted dinners with your family this week? Kids aren’t still for long…were those few minutes focused on their silly questions and wild stories? Did you sit next to your husband and talk, looking into his eyes, or were you distracted by the thread you’ve been following? It makes one feel strong, being diligent to focus on the most important tasks at hand and not missing the moments.
Lastly, am I finding joy in my accomplishments?
Maybe we didn’t do everything we planned, but did we work hard? I grew up in a home having this engrained on my heart: “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men…” (Colossians 3:23) Is your work ethic inspired by this idea? Question, “Am I disciplined, working at a steady pace, or do I make a habit of letting things pile up?” Or, “Has my family expressed any thoughts or concerns on the state of the house?” I know if my hubs starts talking about “the underwear gnomes,” the laundry hasn’t been getting the attention it needs! Each woman must discover a “groove” for her household, and do her part faithfully to make it happen. Don’t let anyone forget Philippians 2:14: “Do all things without grumbling or disputing…” This includes us, as we’re posting our stresses online. Remember how verse 15 teaches the purpose of this proper attitude is to be “lights” to others. Stay productive, find joy in what your family DOES accomplish, and let that positive spirit illuminate! Your family and your connections can benefit greatly.
So please, THANK GOD it’s Friday! And Thursday! And *gulp* Monday! Life is a gift; soak it up. Stay busy (not just “occupied”), be productive, and get rid of distractions and clutter. God gave each of us women a valuable role and has empowered us to be truly accomplished. Find peace in knowing you’re working your hardest, and give God the thanks for every day He’s given you to try.
Evie Graber
Evie and her husband Christopher are members of The South Twin Cities Church of Christ in Rosemount, Minnesota, where Evie serves as secretary and Christopher, an evangelist. Evie is homeschooling mother of four, and daycare provider to four more. She enjoys spending her time with her spiritual and physical family, and taking photographs to relish the memories.
Thank you for the encouraging thoughts, Evie.
You’re welcome, thanks for reading. 🙂
Thank you so much Evie! 🙂
Excellent article, sister! Thank you so much for taking the time to write it and share it with us! Love having faithful sisters in Christ!