Have you seen the filters available for Instagram and Snapchat? In Instagram, you can upload a photo and choose from a long list of filters. Black and white, vignette, and others ranging from yellow to blue to green. Snapchat has even crazier filters! I’ve seen animal noses, unicorn horns, and sparkling fireworks!
These filters set the mood for your photo. They change the way the photo is interpreted. A black and white photo of a farm house might be considered scary, or antique, while the same photo in full color reveals the quintessential American dream.
The filters set a tone for the photo that effects the way people feel about it.
Question #1.
What filters are you using on your life?
Question #2.
Can two similar lives be seen or interpreted in different ways?
I’ll address question #1 later.
The answer to Question #2 is yes!
It depends on filters. Attitude is the filter we put on life, but it’s more effective than the ones offered on Instagram and Snapchat. Attitude changes the way we see our lives AND the way others see our lives. It effects the way we experience what happens to us.
3 Things to Remember about Attitude
- We can choose which filter (attitude) we wish to use. We serve a free-will God.
God doesn’t dictate our attitude, but he did send a perfect example in Jesus. Choosing a better attitude or filter can be hard, but it’s a choice.
- The filters (attitudes) we choose can hurt or help those around us.
A bad or sinful attitude doesn’t just hurt us. It hurts those we love, too. When I grumble about teaching Bible class for more than one quarter per year, a sister that has been thinking about teaching could be influenced to say now when she’s asked. When I whisper under my breath after my husband has left the room, my kids notice, and it really effects their attitude toward him. When I whine and complain about house work, it rubs off on my kids.
People in our lives begin to see or experience things through my (bad) filter. Even Christianity itself can be effected by a bad attitude. Think of the filter you wear when you talk about the church and brethren in front of non-Christians. Ouch.
On the other hand, have you ever been around someone with an amazing attitude? It’s like being next to a rushing stream on hot day: refreshing and invigorating! Filters are contagious! #happy #selfless #humble #joyful #servant
[Tweet “The attitude we choose can hurt or help those around us.”]
- Attitudes can be an evangelism tool.
A positive attitude is a RARE thing. Looking at the struggles of life through the lens of faith is almost unheard of in our society. Everyone groans and complains at work, right? Everyone sighs when needy people join the conversation. Everyone screams and rails when things go wrong. Don’t they?
This is where a Biblical filter can serve as an evangelism tool. The storms of life may rage around you, and others are watching your reaction, seeing what filter you’ll use. If we use a Biblical filter (attitude) we can lead others to wonder what gives us such immovable hope and confidence.
Use a good filter as an evangelism tool. When you’re asked: how did you go through that with a smile? We can confidently answer: because of JESUS CHRIST!
Upload your circumstances to Biblical standards. Upload your marriage, your job, and your relationships within the church. Upload your obligations and those pesky moments that feel out of your control. Upload worries, and health concerns.
The Bible has laid out some spiritual filters available in Philippians 4:8-9
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. (Emphasis mine)
Two points here: notice the words THINK and PRACTICE. Employing Biblical attitudes aka filters isn’t an easy process, especially if you’ve made it a habit to use worldly filters like bitterness, annoyance, irritation, and boredom.
If our job is cleaning toilets, we CAN filter it by thinking positive thoughts about how we are creating a clean and sanitary home environment for those we love best.
If we get a cancer diagnosis, we CAN filter it by remembering the TRUTH that Christ has overcome the world and that victory is ours, even in death.
This is a scripture with a promise: Check out the ending…practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
(psst…The book of Philippians is a great place to find all kinds of Biblical filter advice)
Attitude is the filter we put on life.
What filters are you using?
By Kelli Hughett
- First Aid for a Broken Heart - May 24, 2018
- Where’s Your Mind During the Lord’s Supper? - July 10, 2017
- Which Filter Are You Using? - September 27, 2016
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