God cares about every detail of your life…
He collects every tear in a bottle (Psalm 56:8)
…Even the ones we shed over spilled milk, over chocolate fallen down the heater grate and shed for no reason at all.
He numbers every hair on your head (Luke 12:7)
…Even the ones we pull out trying not to scream at children, even the gray ones we wish weren’t there, even the ones that just won’t lay right despite three tries with the curling iron.
He knows every hurt in your heart (Psalm 34:18)
…Even the ones that seem silly but cut deeply, even the ones that keep us up at night, even the ones we won’t admit really did hurt.
I love the thought that God– the Creator of the universe, Who has the whole globe to take care of, Who gave His only Son and owes me nothing– still cares so much about me and the piddly worries of my daily life. That’s amazing. He is the Lover of my soul, the Nurturer of my spirit, the Giver of bread from Heaven (John 6:27).
There’s a lady in our congregation who never fails to send a card for each birthday each month, for each person who misses service because of sickness, for each person mentioned as needing encouragement. The picture above is of a card she once sent me*. Just the fact that she does this is a huge encouragement. She has a host of her own issues, ailments and maladies, but she sends her cards out faithfully. She’s quiet and unassuming, loves her grandchildren to pieces and is the first to give you a tissue, pen or mint from her purse. Each service, she’s one of the last out the door. It just takes that long to get her frail old body down the hall. It would be easy for her to excuse herself and say she just can’t make it to services. But she doesn’t. She’s there, she’s listening attentively to the sermon and even taking notes. She’s singing the songs, she’s reminding her grandson to bow during the prayers, she’s giving from her small living funds. I’m not saying she’s perfect, but I am saying she’s a saint (1 Corinthians 1:2).
*I edited/ modified the photo.
- Illuminations: James and Romans - June 17, 2021
- Illuminations: Galatians 4:21-31 - March 31, 2021
- Illuminations: Psalm 46 - February 18, 2021
Thanks for the aricle! Great thoughts and yes, God does know every detail. 🙂