She’s faster than a falling bowl of Cheerios, able to leap tall mounds of toys in a single bound, stronger than a struggling toddler, she’s Supermom!
As mothers, everywhere we turn we are getting the message that if we are not a “Supermom”, we are failing. Television, magazines, movies, our next-door-neighbor, all make us feel that if we aren’t June Cleaver of the 21st century, we’re failing. We must be dressed immaculately, not a hair out of place, present spotless, well-behaved children anywhere we go, have a perfectly clean house with a perfectly manicured lawn, and be involved in everything from soccer, to P.T.A., to leading the ladies’ Bible study on Tuesday mornings.
But, for those of us who are Christians, it gets even worse than that! We look at passages like Proverbs 31:10-31, and bow our heads in shame. Phrases like vs. 14, “she brings food from afar,” vs. 15, “She rises while it is yet night”, vs. 18, “her lamp does not go out at night,” have a tendency to make us bow down and say, “How can I ever live up to all that!?”
Thankfully, God doesn’t expect us to “live up to all that,” and we shouldn’t expect ourselves to either. If you read Proverbs 31 carefully, you will notice that not once does it say the Worthy Woman did all of that in one day. In fact, upon careful reading, you will discover that it would be physically impossible to accomplish all she did in one day. As for society, we all know that we are to be set apart from the world, so their standards certainly shouldn’t affect the way we feel about ourselves, especially how we feel about the job we are doing as mothers.
Biblically speaking, there are only three things that determine a “Supermom”:
Matthew 22:37—“And he said to them, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your soul and with all your mind.’”
John 14:15—“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”
II Timothy 1:5— “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your other Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.”
As Christian mothers, all God expects of us (therefore, all we should expect of ourselves) is that we love Him above all, strive every day to keep His commandments, and teach those commandments to our children, instilling the knowledge that they need to develop their own faith.
Think of how much better the world was because of Timothy. Lois and Eunice were truly “Supermoms” because it all started with them. Your children’s faith will start with you also, and if you instill in them a desire to love the Lord above all and keep His commandments, they will also make the world a better place. Let us strive to truly be a “Supermom”, every single day.
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Great article Lacy!
Good article. Thank you for the encouragement!
Thank you for the encouragement!
Hey Lacy! So good to see you here! You are a great writer and this message is so important. Its so easy to get caught up with comparing each other with women who we think are “perfect” on our bad days. This keeps us looking at Him instead of at ourselves!
Thanks so much! Needed to read that!
Thanks Lacy!!! Great job!! I agree with Laura. We need to be reminded that we look to Christ as our example and must remember NOT to compare ourselves to other women. Looking for an example is one thing, but God made us all different to fulfill the needs of the church. That makes us each a “Supermom” with our own special “powers”. 🙂
Lacy! Thanks so much for these thoughts. This reminded me of Lee Hanstein’s parenting class when she said “begin with the end goal in mind” (not sure the exact wording right now) I always try to think of that. My goal is for my children to be faithful servants of God and everything else comes second to this responsiblity.
Great article!
Thank You! I needed that 🙂
Thank you Lacy. This is a very appropriate article for this age and I appreciated every word.