The clouds disappeared in the early dawn
And now the rain is finally gone.
The darkest night was there before,
I did not think I could take any more.
People move on and leave you behind,
Oh how people can be so unkind.
The sun is finally breaking the dark of night,
Perhaps now I can end this fight.
I could not see in the midst of my pain
That to wash it away, God sent the rain.
Now that I’ve made it through the darkest time,
A rainbow stands in the sky, sublime.
It reminds of the thousands of promises kept,
By God, who I didn’t trust enough, but instead wept.
Over and over He’s proven Himself,
Why then did I shove my faith on a shelf?
His promises are the only ones consistently fulfilled,
I need to allow my doubts to be completely killed.
As the saying goes, “It is always darkest before the dawn.”
Let us finish it by saying, “Child, trust on!”
By Anna Wilkie
Anna (age 17) serves with the Bear Valley church of Christ in Denver, CO. She is the daughter of Brian and DeAnn Wilkie and sister of Rachel, Jack and Joe Wilkie. Her father, Brian, serves as an elder for the congregation. Anna’s interests include photography and learning to play the piano.
That is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I know SO many talented young women. God has truly blessed us through you Anna!!!
I love it! 😀
Thank you Anna! Great Job!
Beautiful Anna! Look forward to reading more from you!
I enjoyed your poem very much!
Thank you all so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it! God is so gracious and teaches me so much through life experiences (much more often through the hard times, as you all are aware, I’m sure) and I enjoy expressing things through poetry. I believe God’s goodness and poetry go hand in hand nicely. 🙂