This morning as I was reading a beautiful poem by Emily Nelson, a particular song came to my mind as I read the phrase she penned, “For nothing ever matters, unless it’s done by You.” The song I thought about was a secular song called, “Without Love (There is Nothing).” It’s a song that came out in the early 70’s with words that can also be applied spiritually. Going forward, sometimes when I’m driving my car, or cleaning or simply doing nothing at all, I will sing out loud or to myself my version of the song. After having altered the words of the chorus line from its original form which was…
“Without love I had nothing,
Without love I had nothing,
nothing at all.”
I had conquered the world but one thing did I have
without love I had nothing, nothing at all.”
“Without You, Lord
I have nothing.
Without You,
I have nothing at all.
I could conquer the world but lose my soul,
Without You,
I have nothing at all.”
I think and meditate on the following:
First, He rescued me from spiritual death by sending His only Son (Jn 3.16, Acts 2.38).
Second, through His Word, He teaches me each day what love is and how to show that love (I Cor. 13.4-8).
Third, it is wise to fear God rather than to fear men by dying to self and doing what He expects us to do in accordance with how He has placed each of us in Christ’s Body (Mt. 10.28, 16.24-26; I Cor. 12.18-31; I Jn 4.8).
In conclusion, we would have nothing without God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, as long as we continue our faithful walk with Him, He has promised that our love for Him is perfected or matured because of His love for us even though we still sin (John 13.34, Rom.7.18-19, I Jn 4.16-19). We can only try to do our very best each day and show our love to God by being obedient to His Word (Jn. 14.21) The question I ask myself as well as to everyone else, what have we done for our God lately (Mt. 21.28-30)?
By Carla M. Wright
Carla M. Wright is a 2004 graduate of BVBID and works as a pet groomer. Her husband, Tom, is also a graduate of BVBID and currently serves as an evangelist and pulpit minister at Canon City, CO.
Thanks Carla!!! I try to ask myself that question every day!! I MUST remember that this life is not about me!!! Love ya!!
Without God we have nothing, is so very true!!