Envisionments of you,
Capture me upon this night
Harsh reflections of your sufferings,
The way in which you gave your life
The spear which thrust into your side,
The pierced and blood-stained hands
The biting crown that tore your flesh,
The harsh yells took their stand
“Crucify him! Crucify him!
We have only but one King!
From town to town this man has trod,
Falsehood solely did he bring!”
The chief priests asked, “Free Barabaas?
The murderer well-known?”
“Slaughter now the Lamb of God,
Decrown him from his throne!”
Whip to whip, Lash to lash
Jesus Christ did stand
Flowing free from down his back,
Blood covered the whole land
Up the hill to Calvary,
The journey He did make
Slowly, dying, suffering
Our sins He chose to take
Gasping loud his final breath,
His eyes look far above
To thank God for His perfect will,
Of redemption, hope, and love
By Emily Nelson
Emily and her husband KJ are students at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver. She is originally from Murfreesboro, TN and is the only Christian in her family. She has been writing poetry for many years and was first published at age 11.