“Stop it, just stop it!” I wanted to scream.
Don’t do this for me– I’m not worth your pain.
I watched as they beat and spat in your face,
So I could be saved by God’s loving grace.
I put you there on Calvary’s Tree
No other’s to blame, no one but me.
They scourged and they ripped your body apart,
Yet you bore it all as planned from the start.
Nails driven deep in your hands and feet,
“Don’t do this to him; that should be me!”
I should have been the one on that cross.
I am to blame, but you paid the cost.
Spat on, beaten, and then crucified,
You willingly gave your life for mine.
“I am so sorry,” is all I can say.
Shame overtakes me. “Please forgive me!” I pray.
by Christie Fredman
Christie worships with the Lone Grove church of Christ in Lone Grove, OK. She is a high school English teacher and comes from a strong Christian family. She is proud to have three preachers and an elder to call kin. Christie enjoys reading and gardening.
Tears . . . such a touching poem. Thank you!