Children suffer, families tumble,
Guns explode, buildings crumble.
Where were you, many ask,
When children died in that flash.
They blamed you then for that attack
Though it was us who turned our backs.
Your wing we left–took off on our own,
We didn’t care. If only we’d known.
Your guidance and light we needed then,
Now and forever, until the end.
Please God forgive us our straying hearts.
Lead us back to your light, with a clean start.
Guide us though these times of war,
Bless those who fight, bring them home once more.
by Christie Fredman
Christie worships with the Lone Grove church of Christ in Lone Grove, OK. She is a high school English teacher and comes from a strong Christian family. She is proud to have three preachers and an elder to call kin. Christie enjoys reading and gardening.
A good poem for remembering tomorrow’s tragic September 11th.