My burden was too heavy,
I had way too much to bear
I could not stand beneath the strain,
Of life’s unending care
The weight was pressing so far down,
My knees began to shake
I could not hold the weight of this,
I thought that I would break
But then I felt a hand on mind,
A friend to stand beside
And suddenly before I knew it,
The relief had multiplied
For another friend came near,
And held me on the other side
They lifted and they strained,
And they pulled me to the sky
I now could see the sun again,
I rolled my shoulders then
The weight had lifted from me now,
Of stress, of strain, of sin
I had a brother holding me,
A sister on each side
I once had felt the heavy weight,
That now I’d seen subside
For each of us held just a piece,
Of what I could not bear
It suddenly became so light,
Like feathers, then, midair
I stood beneath my brethren,
Who had kept me from my fall
My burden, shared, became so light,
That it wasn’t there at all
By Emily Nelson
Emily and her husband KJ are students at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver. She is originally from Murfreesboro, TN and is the only Christian in her family. She has been writing poetry for many years and was first published at age 11. For information on how to order her new book, go to
This is such a beautiful poem about how brothers and sisters in Christ should care for one another. Having a church family is a blessing. Thank you for another great poem, Emily.
I agree with Betsy that this is a beautiful poem about our church family and the blessings we can receive from it.