“Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.”
Luke 5:16
Spend one minute each on the following 12 areas of prayer, and you will have prayed for 12 minutes. Spend two minutes on each and you will have prayed for almost half an hour. Spending five minutes on each area will be one complete hour of prayer.
1. Praise
a. Psalm 63:3
b. All prayers must begin with a recognition of God’s nature.
2. Wait
a. Isaiah 40:31
b. This is the time to forget all your cares!
3. Confession
a. Psalm 139:23—“Search me, oh God, and know my heart…”
b. This clears the way for powerful praying
4. Read the Word
a. Psalm 19:7—“The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul…”
b. When we read it is just as if God were standing before us!
5. Intercession
a. 1 Timothy 2:1—“I urge that entreaties and prayers… be made on behalf of all.”
b. This is where a prayer list will come in handy
6. Petition
a. James 4:2—“You do not have because you do not ask”
b. To petition God is to open our needs before Him.
7. Pray the Word
a. Jeremiah 23:29—“’Is not my word like a fire’ declares the Lord…”
b. Praying His word assures us we are praying His will.
8. Thanksgiving
a. Philippians 4:6—“…by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving… pray.”
b. This is our gift to God.
9. Singing
a. Psalm 110:2—“… come before Him with joyful singing…”
b. These songs come straight from the heart.
10. Meditate
a. Joshua 1:8—“…the book of the law… you shall meditate on it day and night.”
b. Ponder the meaning of the conversation you have just had.
11. Plan
a. Proverbs 16:9—“The mind of a man plans his ways, But the Lord directs his steps.”
b. Plan specific ways to do God’s will: reaching out to the lost, visiting the ailing, encouraging the fainthearted, etc.
12. Praise
Editor’s note: Except for a few minor changes, this was given to me during a chapel lesson at Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver by Allan Lay. I am not sure if he is the original source or not.
- Illuminations: James and Romans - June 17, 2021
- Illuminations: Galatians 4:21-31 - March 31, 2021
- Illuminations: Psalm 46 - February 18, 2021
Love this! Thank you so much!!!
I am going to print this and keep it with my prayer list!
Copying this to print and put with the new journal and colored pens I bought today. 🙂 But, I’m wondering, did anything get cut off the bottom? #12 doesn’t follow your pattern of having an (a) and (b).