Recently I found myself surrounded by younger women and I kept hearing them say that they really want and desire the older women to teach them. I thought back to when I was a young woman and all of the wonderful older women that have been in my life. Women that shared tons of practical wisdom with me as I struggled to be a godly wife and mother. I couldn’t remember if I went to them for advice or they just came to me. (No surprise on the failed memory.) I tried hard to remember because I wouldn’t have made it by myself raising 5 children and a husband, and yes, I meant raising a husband, we were only children ourselves. But I couldn’t remember. I asked some other women my age and got a mixed response. Some remembered being insulted by the “help” they were given, but soon learned that it was indeed, help. Others remember going and asking, while in tears, of course, “What do I do?”
I also started asking women my age and older what they thought about teaching the younger women and how they handle it. Again, I got a mix of answers. Based on those answers I would like to share a series of articles with you “From the Heart of an Older Woman”.
I had one woman respond with, “I don’t think it’s our business. I don’t want anyone thinking that I think I’m perfect.” This is part of the problem in the church today. It isn’t our business, it’s God’s business and He COMMANDS us, as older women, to train the younger women. This is a topic that truly convicts me based on Titus 2:3-5. The word “train” here actually means “to make of sound mind; to discipline or correct”. Older women better be standing up and helping these younger women be the godly women they are supposed to be. I can’t imagine how my marriage would have turned out or my children if the older women in my life had NOT been willing to “train” me. I thank God for them all of the time!
I struggle with just how to go about teaching the younger women. I don’t want to push them away or discourage them but I have to find a way to help them in their lives. So this series will have a two-fold purpose. Share with the younger women some practical advice and encourage the older women with ways to touch the hearts of younger women. Have I got it all figured out? No way! But I’m hoping this will help both me and you!
- Love, It Changes Lives - July 17, 2017
- Walking in His Shoes - June 30, 2016
- Prayer: Trusting God To Work in Our Lives - January 7, 2016
Heidi Sprouse says
Tami-great article! I’m looking forward to your future articles. It is a great art to be a Titus 2 woman. The NASB says “…so that you may ENCOURAGE the younger women…” I’ve received some “training” that has been very encouraging from older women. While learning what they were teaching, these fine women were able to step on my toes, yet make me want to excel at my job of taking care of my family. I’ve also received training that was not very encouraging. I’m hoping to learn from that to choose my words more carefully, so that when I am encouraging the younger women, it is just that-encouragment!
Lacy Crowell says
Thanks SO much! I am super excited about this series. While your purpose is two-fold, the problem is also! We must have older women willing to approach our younger women in a Godly way, but we ALSO must have younger women who are willing to listen and improve as wives and mothers! I pray that God will be with you as you journey through this series, I know you will do a wonderful job, thanks so much for caring!!!
Kathy Pollard says
Sounds like a great series, Tami! Looking forward to reading it. Love ya!
Jennifer Jensen says
I am very excited for this series! As I get further and further into the older category, I would really like to know how to fill this role.
I remember asking for help from older women when I was younger, and I really didn’t get much help. Usually it was, “This too shall pass…” or “Just make a to-do list, dear…”
Thanks for putting this series together, CFYC!
Carley Robertson says
GREAT article Tami! 🙂 I am looking forward to the rest. This really is something I am needing 🙂
p.s. That grandbaby that was due in August… Didn’t he make his arrival yet 😉
Susan Follis says
What a wonderful and needed topic! I agree with you that it is so important for the older women to help and teach the younger women! I am looking forward to your articles. God bless you!