The will of God is that no man be lost.
Each follower is,
With His Seal, embossed.
This Seal marks those who
Are faithful and true.
Won’t you obey and
Let Jesus come to you?
Where is the Christian’s place,
You ask,
How is the Christian called to task?
The will of God is that His love be known,
So He can call the faithful His own.
Obey His Word and find peace
At His side.
Let Jesus, in your heart, forever abide.
He calls to you from across the ages.
He speaks to you from those
Sacred Pages.
The will of God is that no man be lost.
So He paid for our sins at terrible cost.
God’s will is that each and every man,
Would seek to wear His seal and stand
Stand firm within God’s faithful Word,
And put to use these Truths we’ve heard.
by Faith Smalling
Faith and her husband, Terry, serve with the Wagoner church of Christ in Wagoner, OK. Terry has served as the pulpit minister there for seven years. Faith enjoys doing public speaking and writing poetry as well as spending time with their Boston Terrier.
You have a wonderful gift for writing encouraging words! Thanks!