Our country is working daily on its national security. Since 9/11, we have developed a branch of security known as, The Department of Homeland Security. Its focus is to keep American citizens as safe as possible from outside threats and violence on American soil. Christians need to pray daily for the safety of America and its citizens. They also need to pray for their own homeland security.
As Christians we need to establish our own plan of home defense. We need to focus on keeping the environment and the citizens of our home as safe as possible from outside threats and violence. As parents, we need to be vigilant and watchful sentinels for our family. Even if our home has no little ones in it, a Christian needs to be on guard for any attacks on the home front.
Colin Campbell, in his article entitled, Homeland Security, taken from the Above Rubies magazine, says, “ Do you believe in border control? Many Americans are concerned about our southern border between Mexico and the USA. It is easy for foreign terrorists to smuggle in weapons of mass destruction… and yet we so easily allow loose border control around our own home. It is imperative that godly parents set up stronger borders around their homes. We must have strict control over the TV programs our family watches. Never be afraid to turn off the TV – or do away with it altogether! We must take control over who our children hang out with, where they are going, and exactly when they will return home.”
Home security is a serious job and one which, if not done correctly, can result in disastrous consequences. The spiritual and physical welfare of your home’s inhabitants is only as secure as you take the time to make it. Low security equals higher risks, and higher security equals lower risks; it’s as simple as that.
As parents, we would never willingly allow someone to physically harm our children or our home life, but we should be even more concerned with our children’s spiritual and emotional health. Many parents take for granted the threats that are out there. Christian parents must put into practice daily the teaching of 1 Peter 5:8, “ Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour.” Be alert, be aware, be watching, and be ready for spiritual attacks on your home and your children! Do not mistakenly believe that your since your children have been taught right from wrong, and that they are good children, that harm could not come to them in some way.
We need to be careful with our acquaintances. Many “good” acquaintances can have an unhealthy affect on those whom God has given to us to protect. Parents need to know who is making an impression and an influence on our children’s hearts. When your children spend the majority of their waking hours away from you, a parent needs to double their efforts to control what is building and shaping their children’s character. Be your child’s main influence for everything in their lives.
It is very important to build a strong home defense and to maintain your home security for the best results. Keep your protection plan up-to-date and well covered in all areas for your children. Keep focused on protecting your marriage and your family. It is good to review daily what events are affecting your security. Double your efforts at any weak spots you may notice. “But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” 2 Timothy 4:5.
We see in the Old Testament how God’s people built hedges or walls around their vineyards and their cities for protection. Our families deserve the best “hedge of protection” that we can provide. Not a weak or unstable hedge, but a solid and strong wall of safety. Do not be afraid to have the best, top-of-the-line home security. Be careful and do not let others’ opinions of different security levels cause you to relax and become slack in your vigilance.
Build your home security plans with God as the foundation. Pray daily for God’s protection from the evil things of this world. Our children’s souls are at stake and our own, too. We need to work hard to protect our marriage and our home life from the things that will try to destroy it. As a family, stay close for extra strong reinforcements. And, most importantly, do not give the responsibility to someone else! As women, we have been given the job of keeping the home. And that includes all those who dwell inside the home. Just as the gatekeepers of old would be strong and ever vigilant to protect the city, we as “keepers of the home” need to be strong and ever vigilant to protect our homes. God has chosen the job for us and He is expecting us to fulfill His command. We need to watch over, preserve and keep our homes. Be watchful and wise, but enjoy the daily task of taking care of our home and our family. Do not let your guard down! Trust in God to help you in every way to be a good protector.
“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” Psalm 127: 1?
By Susan Follis
Susan Follis lives in Lamar, Colorado. She and her husband, Jim, have been married almost 34 years. They have six children and four grandchildren. She loves learning about being a godly wife and mother.
Good article, Susan. Even those who have been Christians for many years need to be on guard and watchful for their souls! Satan is a master of deceit.