There are so many things I love about being a nurse! I get paid to take care of people, I am commended if I do so with compassion and kindness and on a daily basis I learn something that strengthens my faith in God. Some days, like today, I am inspired by what I do to write! Okay this is the first time that’s happened, but I didn’t have a blog before…Moving on!
As any good nurse will tell you one of the most important skills a nurse will learn is an effective head-to-toe assessment. It sounds simple, but to effectively assess each body system, beginning with the head and ending with the feet, can be life saving for a patient. Likewise, should we give spiritual application to this practice it can be soul saving. Therefore I give you The Spiritual Head to Toe Assessment.
The Head- The key to a good head assessment are the eyes, ears, nose and mouth! Are our eyes clear (Matthew 6:22-23)? Are our ears attentive to wisdom (Prov 2:2)? Do we keep our nose out of other people’s business (1 Tim 5:13)? Do we use our mouth to edify (Eph 4:29)?
The Upper Torso- A thorough heart and lung assessment is a must! Do we worry incessantly or when struggles arise do we take a deep breath and give our cares to God (Luke 12:25, 1 Peter 5:7)? Is our heart joyful, pure and disciplined (Prov 17:22, Prov 22:11,Prov 23:12)? Is it a dwelling place for our Savior (Eph 3:17)?
The Lower Torso- The gastrointestinal system includes what we take in and what we get rid of! Do we hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matt 5:6)? Do we feast on the food which endures to eternal life (John 6:26-27)? Have we removed malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander (1 Peter 2:1)?
The Periphery- An inspection of the hands and feet can not only indicate when there is a direct problem, but also when there is a problem somewhere else in the body. Are we using our hands to take care of our family and help those in need (Prov 31:19-20)? Do we strengthen ourselves and make our paths straight (Heb 12:12-13)? If our hands and feet are not working properly then we may have a heart problem or perhaps a nutritional issue.
The Skin- Skin that is clean is a must! Even open skin can remain free from infection if it is clean. Have we been washed in water (1 Peter 3:21, Hebrews 10:22) for the forgiveness of our sin (Acts 2:38)? Do we walk in the light so that the blood of Christ can continually cleanse us (1 John 1:7)?
Even the best of nurses is not perfect. Occasionally you will miss things during your initial assessment. This is why you must continually assess every part of the body. We as Christians must never stop examining ourselves and striving to live healthier spiritual lives. May God bless you as you assess and address your spiritual wellness!
By Brianna Ramseur
Brianna and her husband Chuck worship with the Victor Valley Church of Christ in Victorville, CA where Chuck serves as an intern. They have two sweet boys (Malachi and Isaiah) and a sweet baby girl, Naomi. Brianna works full time as a mom and part time as a registered nurse. They graduated from the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver in 2010.
Good article!! These are good reminders for us all.
What a wonderful and relevant article. I am so proud of you! I hope you will write more because you obviously have a gift for writing.
What a clever way to take a look at the entire person to see if we are truly a healthy, spiritually speaking. There are so many aspects to a person that we must be truly seeking to be aware of all of the different parts of us that could be sin-sick. So thanks for reminding us to be ever diligent in watching for no sin-sickness in any areas of our lives.
Love your article Bri!
Hey! This is an excellent article! I loved the application you put into it with your career and I ENCOURAGE you to keep a diary of your devotional thoughts that may occur while helping patients. Great tool for growing in the Lord and sharing that growth with others.
I enjoyed your article on assessing our bodies spiritually! ?