Editor’s note: This post is especially fitting today considering all the destruction that has occurred due to tornadoes. Please as you pray, remember those who have lost so much in recent days. If you are one who has lost much, perhaps these scriptures will give you some comfort.
Today I would like to leave you with some passages to keep near you, to ponder in your heart and hold fast within your mind. The most wonderful medicinal words in print are those from God. I pray this post finds you looking not to any man’s promise for a fleeting hope but to an eternal Father who is everlasting and reserves an eternal hope for the faithful. Much love and warm hugs!
-Genesis 1:27: God created you in His image! You are above all other creation on this earth! No matter your struggles in this life God recognizes you as part of Him–what a special relationship!
-Psalm 37:5: God is asking you to commit and trust in Him, simple enough steps and He will care for your needs of the heart. Talk about going the whole mile for you!
-Daniel 1:17: Daniel withstood the pressure of those surrounding him, and though he suffered, it was well worth it! God was on his side and provided for him! Daniel was patient, and the Lord showed up yet again for a faithful servant. What an attendance record!
-Philippians 2:7-8: Christ left a perfect existence (Heaven) to come to earth, having emptied His powers so that He could become like man…and we have days of feeling sorry for ourselves over a small occurrence? Could you imagine leaving a pain-free world only to enter a world of sin and chaos? WOW, HE LOVES US!!
-Hebrews 10:19-25: our confidence in the hope God promises is complete when we are sure of our obedience in salvation…We choose Him and He offers hope, unwavering hope, a deep faith that what He has promised us we will receive! Are you at a point in life that allows you to sigh relief and KNOW that hope belongs to you…?
-Titus 1:2: God not only has a perfect attendance record but He is not able to lie! Suffer through this earthly life knowing that if you have a partaking in God’s directives for salvation then you WILL receive the promise of reward…you can rest your weary heart in the hope of eternal rewards to come.
*Where are you in your pursuit of God’s promises? Are you qualified to hold those promises? Is your hope a warm and fuzzy feeling or a true understanding of how it works in your relationship with God?*
By Emily Hamilton
Emily and her husband Brandon are currently second year students at East TN School of Preaching, after graduating this July they plan on pursuing work in the west or far south. They have three children (Sarrin 10, Ian 7, Myrna 5). Emily enjoys public speaking and teaching to ladies of all ages.
God’s Word is our strongest hope and can encourage us in all situations of life. So many have suffered so much, but God’s Words can help us to overcome anything life throws our way.