Susan Follis wrote a beautiful poem about being delightfully overwhelmed with motherhood (click here). It was so encouraging. I always feel uplifted to read about mothers who have older children and the joy that they feel reflecting on when their children were young. Unfortunately it seems that most days I don’t feel that overwhelming joy. Most days I just feel overwhelmed. After reading Susan’s poem I felt inspired to write a poem from the perspective of a young mother “in the throws.”
This morning I read a poem and smiled
As a woman wrote lovingly about her child
I thought to myself what a beautiful thought
To see with such joy all the children she’s got
But that isn’t my life and I can’t quite reflect
My children are young and I’m just not there yet
So I’ve decided to write a poem of my own
To encourage young moms who have children at home
My day starts quite nicely with a 2 year old smile
How I wish it could stay that way just for a while
But soon brother is up and he’s only 1
So he’s crying to get out of his crib for some fun.
Then sister’s awake and she’s just been born
So she’s hungry and looking to drink something warm
So I’m feeding and cooking and cleaning and such
And there’s yelling and fighting and some days it’s too much
So I sit and I pray “Lord if it be your will
Please cast out this demon so my child will be still”
By this time it is usually about 7:30
And my beautiful children have become pretty dirty
So it’s into the bath and it’s scrubbing with soap
And pretending we’re Nemo and playing with boats
Then it’s playing and lunch time and soon time for naps
And mommy sits down so that she can relax
But now sister is STARVING so it’s time to eat
Then she burps and she plays and she goes back to sleep
Now mommy sits and she wonders how much more she can take
then she’s hears little feet and both boys are awake
So it’s back to the running and screaming and stuff
By this time dear mommy has pretty well given up
So we’re all getting dirty and the house has been trashed
And the thoughts of a schedule are all in the past
Now daddy is home and just shakes his head
And he knows if he comments he could end up dead
So he joins in the fun and we all start to play
And this is my life almost every day
When I think of the joy my kids have brought to my soul
It is so much more precious than silver or gold
So on days when I’m spent and I feel like a zombie
I remember those moments that bring joy as a mommy!
Every “Mommy, I love you” and “Mommy let’s play”
Makes me feel so much better about every day
Every hug, every kiss, each and every smile
Makes each moment of my life seem worthwhile
Every “Mommy, hold hands” and “In Jesus Namen”
Let’s me know that my life is being well spent.
By Brianna Ramseur
Brianna and her husband Chuck worship with the Victor Valley Church of Christ in Victorville, CA where Chuck serves as an intern. They have two sweet boys (Malachi and Isaiah) and a sweet baby girl, Naomi. Brianna works full time as a mom and part time as a registered nurse. They graduated from the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver in 2010.
I love it. My boys are older, well past this stage in life but I remember it clearly. I love being a mom, I love my boys, but having two little spit-fires with more energy than any one person should ever be allowed to have is quite draining and overwhelming. We had lots of fun but I also had plenty moments of complete insanity. It helped so much to know that other moms were experiencing the same types of feelings, the same frustrations. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Bri! This is totally my life 🙂 Actually while reading it I thought to myself “Wow, we have a lot in common! Thats how my day goes!” 🙂 Too bad its not as humorous when we are stuck in it, but looking back it is quite funny actually.
Beautiful Brianna! You are a wonderful mommy and I am so proud of you! Just think, when I have kids and Malachi is babysitting them so I don’t crazy, we can look back on these days and laugh. 🙂
I used to have a picture in my mind of what my family should look like, the beautiful, combed, well dressed children walking hand in hand behind me at the grocery store. Reality was usually trying to find my children at the grocery store, and praying they had on matching shoes. But I would give up a whole lot to go back to those days. We sometimes have to remind ourselves to treasure each season of life as it comes.
I copied your poem and addd it to my facebook page. mine are 13, 9, 7, and 4. All boys but the youngest. Great job!!!