The book of Philippians speaks so strongly on one of the top 5 things that I struggle with in my efforts to be God’s woman. Unity. As a teenager I used to think that whomever I married when I grew up was in for a life of misery. We would never get along. My siblings and I certainly never seemed to. If I couldn’t get along with my brothers and sister, how was I ever going to have the proper relationship with the guy who would become my roommate and closest companion? Even best friends have issues when they’ve spent one too many nights sleeping over at each others’ houses.
Thankfully, my relationships with my siblings have vastly improved as we’ve grown older, and my fears for my marriage… they’ve proved useful. Don’t get me wrong – it’s not that I have knock-down, drag-outs with my husband or anything. But the fear of the possibility of any disunity motivated me to get a few things straight before I entered that covenant relationship. I encourage every girl to pass up the heartache of learning these things the hard way. If you want your relationship with your mate, your siblings, with friends, and even with strangers to be uplifting, spiritual healthy and not full of worldly discord, know that it’s up to you to make it happen! The apostle Paul wrote a letter to two women in the church who were having some serious issues acting like the sisters-in-Christ that they were. Compare these with your own attitude toward others: how unified are you?
#1 – Imitate Me (Paul). Consider others as more important than yourselves. “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain…yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake.” (1:21, 24) Paul wanted to go to heaven, but for their sake, he lived the life that he did. For whom do you live, and why?
#2 – Imitate Christ. Remember that “although He existed in the form of God,” (2:6) He didn’t selfishly treat that glory like something to clutch to His chest, grasping, never letting go of it. He emptied Himself, becoming a man and dying the most undignified, horrible death for us. What do you have a hard time letting go of because of pride – and does it compare with Christ’s sacrifice of heaven when He came to Earth?
#3 – Imitate Timothy. Be genuinely concerned for the welfare of others.
#4 – Imitate Epaphroditus. “He came close to death for the work of Christ, risking his life to complete what was deficient in your service to me” (2:30). Do you serve others to such a degree? Is it important enough to you to minister to another’s need at any cost?
The two women in Philippi needed a reality check: What was more important? Their egos, or the cause of Christ? If you are concerned about your relationships, take Paul’s Reality Check quiz, and find out how you can more closely align your attitude with these four unequaled examples. Fear is a good motivator, and knowledge with determination is the key to successfully overcoming those fears. Let’s go girls.
May God bless your relationships. Amen.
By Keeley Rollert
Keeley Rollert and her husband, David, are recent graduates the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver. They were married December 2008, and are expecting their first child. They look forward to working in whatever ministry God has planned for them now that they have graduated.
Thank you – this is really helpful!
I love you, Keeley!! You are such an example of everything you write! You are a sweet servant of the Lord and a gentle, submissive, encouraging and loving wife to your husband. As a young wife, you are an example to even the older wives who are watching you!! Thank you!
What a good example of trying to prepare ourselves beforehand. So many times we wait until we are in the depths of trouble and then try to figure out a way to get out. It’s so much better be prepared for what God has in store for us.
Good article. Thanks!
Good thoughts, Keeley! I really like your thought that if we want good relationships it is up to us to work at having that! I have found, through life, that some people are harder to have a good relationship with, but it is never impossible. If our heart’s intent is goodness; though the other person may not like us, we can feel good that we are doing all that God expects us to do. It isn’t so hard to care for others, when we see them as God’s creation. God wants us all to be saved. We are all worthy of His love. Thank you for sharing. ?
Erynn, I think they are all difficult on different levels, but if I chose one to post on it would be Epaphroditus. So often I have found myself saying, “This isn’t worth it!” when faced with the cost of putting others first. But in the end, eternity, of course it is! Whose soul is not worth my time? My money? My thoughts? My efforts? Thank you for a lovely article. Our ladies class has been studying Philippians and I’d like to print and share with them. (Most don’t have computers!) 🙂
Please always feel free to print and use anything from our site to use in your Bible classes and to share with other women!
Thank you! We are on to Ephesians now, but I’ll still share! 😀