Ladies, do you dream of the day when your prince will come? Do you pray to God daily that someday He will send this prince to carry you away? Maybe you hope for a valiant and chivalrous protector- someone who will truly love you.
Yes, many girls dream of this fairytale coming true in their lives. But I fear that many of you overlook the knight in shining armor who is right under your nose. The one who adores and loves you. The one who will give anything for you to seek his counsel and protection. This knight is your father.
God has placed your dad in your life for good reason. God Himself placed in us the desire to be loved, protected and even needed by a man. For this very reason God has given us the love and protection of our fathers. And have you ever thought that your dad might need you? He does.
The Bible tells us we are “helpmeets” or “suitable helpers” for men. (Gen. 2:20-23) Most people look at this as only your role once you’re married. I disagree. I believe girls need to realize how valuable their help can be to their fathers. How often do you go out of your way to help him meet his goals? How often do you show interest in his life calling or his ministry? Do you seek to spend special time with him and listen to him? Becoming your father’s helpmeet is not only great practice for being your future husband’s helper, it can give you a deeper relationship with your dad. It can also give you great satisfaction and appreciation for your knight. And it will make him appreciate you even more than he already does.
In our teenage years we are told we need to “find ourselves” and seek independence. It is a great tragedy that many Christian girls see this as an excuse to pull away from their fathers. They pull away from his guidance, counsel and protection. “Daddy’s little girl” is all of a sudden ashamed and embarrassed of her father. Instead, she seeks the attention of young men who are not anywhere near as qualified to care for and protect her as her father. Why? Because our world today expects that of her. Perhaps even more tragic is the fact that many dads are OK with this. Even if they’re not, many of them don’t do anything about it.
The truth of the matter is, when we forsake our fathers for the love of independence, we say “no thank you” to one of the greatest blessings God has bestowed on us: the father-daughter relationship. This is not something you, or your father, want to miss out on!
Many precious things come from this relationship if we take advantage of it. You will have the counsel of someone much wiser than you. Your father has a lot of wisdom that he can share with you about life. Your father also has the important role of protecting your heart- making sure only a worthy prince will claim it. And oh, what a truly precious blessing this is!
Your dad also knows how boys think (after all, he was one) and can give you insight as you strive to be modest in appearance and personality. God has given you your dad to protect your heart, defend your virtue, and help you get to Heaven.
Any father would be thrilled to take up this responsibility if you would only begin to expect, seek and be grateful for it. If you do not have a godly father this can be more difficult. But most fathers would love for their daughters to begin seeking a closer relationship with them. Who knows? Maybe through winning your father’s heart you will also win him for Christ. (Just like wives can win their husbands “without a word”. 1 Peter 3:1)
Please do not overlook or be ashamed of your dad. Instead, fully embrace the blessings of a godly relationship with him. Submit yourself to his authority, become his helper, and thank God for his love and protection.
By Miranda Trujillo
Miranda Trujillo is a 21-year old homeschool graduate and preacher’s kid. She attends Pleasant Valley church of Christ– the church building was her playground growing up. She loves gardening, mixing up herbal potions, feeding middle schoolers (as a lunch lady), blogging and enjoying her family life in the beautiful Pleasant Valley– Bellvue, Colorado.
Susan Follis says
I really enjoyed your article. I can’t wait to share it with the young ladies I know! You expressed so many wonderful and important thoughts. Thank you for sharing. ?
Jennifer Jensen says
Beautiful – can’t wait to share!!
Laura Warnes says
Miranda, this was beautiful! How happy and protected young girls would be if they took your advice! You are so wise for such a young lady and I hope you continue to write articles and share your wisdom!!
Renea Hooper Herberger says
Excellent insight as usual, Miranda!