Today was one of those days,
When the dishes were stacked in the sink so high
The laundry sitting patiently waiting for me to pass by.
Looking at me, letting me know that I am a slacker
The kids leaving a trail of crumbs, I think it was a cracker.
As I finish cleaning one room, the next falls apart
No doubt the kids have been there, and of the mess been a part.
If only I could have a clean house I would be happy I say,
But I don’t want to face a clean home without them someday.
Give me the clothes on the floor, the unmade beds,
Children playing knights with pails for helmets on their heads.
Let me hear their sweet innocent prayers as they bow to pray
As I say one of my own that from God they never stray.
Lord, when I grumble and complain of the noise,
Help me to remember that I blessed to have my girl and two boys.
Noise is part of the deal, as is the kisses goodnight,
Combing their hair, kissing their hurts, and holding them tight.
Abba, I thank you for my family so crazy and wild
For my time to be pregnant with each and every child.
Nothing can be better than the time I spend watching them grow,
For when I think I have done nothing, their hearts I have to show.
My own heart I have to inspect and make sure it is right,
That of what is important I don’t lose sight.
Three little souls waiting to be trained, cared for and loved,
To serve a Lord who loves all and is waiting for us up above.
Look past the dirty rooms, and toys all over the floor,
Look to that which is important that will get their souls in the door.
Let today be one of those days.
By Fee Rocha
Fee and her husband Dustin are currently studying at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver. They have three wonderful kids (Setti, Hugh, & Adam) whom she homeschools.
I love this, Fee – what talent you have! Your family is blessed to have you.
So sweet! Love this
Fee, That was a wonderful poem and thought about keeping your prioritiea straight.
So cute and so true!
Love it!
You are just a girl of many talents arent you?! And such a good mommy too! 🙂
Great job Fee!
Just re-read this. It’s a great reminder! Love you bunches, Fee!