At times I wonder, “Do I really trust God?” This has been on my mind quite a bit this past year because I have tried off and on to write this article but every time, I talk myself out of it. It isn’t a great topic, it’s not good enough, no one will read it, and I’m scared of who will read and what they will say. Satan has gotten in my head, telling me I am not good enough to write an article but then I look at what I have been trying to write about and I have to look at myself. Do I trust God; am I allowing Him to work in my life? I believe God wants me to write this article because I desire to help other ladies in their walks. So now I am listening to what God is telling me to do and have decided to stop doubting God and to start trusting Him.
First I need to define trust. Merriam-Webster defines trust as “one in which confidence is placed.” Do we have confidence in God, do we go to Him with every little thing or do we think we are just going to bug Him if we do that? One thing to focus on is if it were easy to trust God, wouldn’t we see more of it in our own lives and in the lives of those around us? Wouldn’t the sin problem be easier to overcome? In a perfect world it would, but we have to work at trusting God in our lives. I want us to begin to trust God by opening His Word. To find out what He says about trust, look at Psalm 37:1-5 where we can find out how to trust God today.
The writer starts off in verse one by telling us that we shouldn’t worry about what the world is doing. The world may look grand and we may envy them but the writer tells us that it’s not worth it. What the world has is fleeting according to verse two. I like to think back for a moment to when we were little girls and picked all the dandelions in the yard and a gust of wind would come by and take the seeds all over the yard or to our neighbors’ yards. The seeds of the dandelions were fleeting; they were with us for a moment and then gone with the wind. What the world has is fleeting in the same way, here one moment and then gone the next. Why should we be envious of the world when what they have will vanish. We have the hope of eternity with God, why risk that for something fleeting?
In verse three the writer begins to tell us how to trust God. I want us to think about something, if we say “when I trust my husband I will…” fill in the blank. But what if we changed our thinking to “I will do (fill in the blank) to learn to trust my husband”? Our relationship with our husbands would improve, wouldn’t it? Same thing with God– we don’t just start trusting Him and then do what He desires for us. We need to “do good,” “dwell in the land” and we need to “cultivate faithfulness” so we can learn to trust God. The phrase “dwell in the land” to me seems a bit out of place when talking about doing good, cultivating faithfulness and trusting in the Lord. It seems to me that the land the Psalmist is talking about is the land of doing good and cultivating faithfulness, by dwelling in those things we will indeed trust in the Lord. Turn to Philippians 4:8 to understand this point more clearly. Do we just start being pure? No, the writer tells us to “dwell on these things” which teaches us that we have to practice it and work at it. Now let’s turn back to Psalm 37:3 where the writer says to cultivate faithfulness. Let’s look at what it means to cultivate something. Cultivate has the idea of nurturing growth. So like we nurture our children in love, we need to nurture our faithfulness to grow in trust for God. When we succeed with practicing and dwell in the doing of good and nurturing faithfulness, we will develop the trust we desire and need in God.
The writer then in verse four reminds us to delight in the Lord. I think of my daughter when the writer says this. I delight in my daughter and she is a joy to me and she makes me happy. In the same way, I need to delight in God. God brings a joy to my life that is like no other delight, and what is still better is that when we find delight in God, He gives us our hearts desires, as stated in verse four. Think about our husbands: they want to give us everything we want so they will adjust and readjust their lives and they will try everything to make us happy. God does this for us because we are His bride. He wants us to be happy so we just need to find joy in Him and trust that He will make everything work out for the best, and He will give us what we desire. I pray that we commit our way to the Lord, and trust in Him. I also pray that this comforts you as much as it does me. God Bless.
By Cassie Garcia
Cassie and her husband, Kenny are working with the saints at Birdwell Lane Church of Christ in Big Spring, TX. Cassie is a stay-at-home mom to their 11-month old daughter.
How right you are, Cassie. We so quickly say we trust in the Lord but we are tested so many times in simple ways. I praise God that you put your trust in Him and wrote the article. Thank you for sharing it.