In a world where conflict and pain are inevitable contributors to life, sometimes we feel like just giving up. The stress is too much, or we’re too tired to go on, or we get scared or worried about the future (or maybe the past). The list goes on and on. Numerous events in our lives can pull us down, tear us to pieces and leave us in the dust wondering, “Why did this happen to me?”
Most of us know the meaning of suffering, whether it is emotional or physical. It’s easier to trust God during the good and happy times, but when those dark days come it’s even more important to strengthen our faith and remember that our Heavenly Father is still in control and watching out for His family.
But, life is sometimes just so unbearable, you might think. And when tragedy unexpectedly strikes that bereaves you of hope, commandeers your courage and leaves you tossing on your pillow at night in your tears, what might be the question to ask is, “Does Jesus even care about what I’m going through right now?”
A question easily asked and even more easily answered: Yes. Jesus Christ does care about our troubles. He knows and understands every temptation we have to endure, every ache in our hearts and every tear we shed. Through God’s Word, we brothers and sisters of Christ can rest assured that the Son of God does indeed love and have concern over us on earth
Jesus cares when…
I’m Sad
Sadness is one of the major emotions by which we are affected. When we lose a friend, when a family member dies, when we feel so weighted down by cares of the world that we just can’t seem to force a smile, Jesus knows. Psalm 56:8 says, “You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book?”
God keeps track of every tear we shed. He knows our every heartache and sigh. And he wants us to come to him when we feel that bitter emotional pain of sorrow. Matthew 5:4 says, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
When sadness and grief overwhelm us, we need to lean on God, to run to Him and weep out our tears in His arms and let Him comfort us like He promises He will. Pray to Him for comfort and endurance to bear the sadness and let Him take the burdens from you. Revelation 21:4 says that “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
I’m Weak
We have good days and we have bad days. Sometimes we are brimming with confidence and other times we just want to crawl into a hole and stay there. We all want to feel strong and capable all the time, but the feeling of weakness will inevitably come. We have all experienced those situations where you feel powerless, though you wish you could do something about it anyway. The Christian needs strength. It is especially crucial during the time of temptation when we cannot afford to be weak.
Jesus was once a human man, and he was beset with temptations just like we are today (Hebrews 5:2). He knows the hardships and trials we go through. He understands the danger of temptation, but he also knows how to help us out of it. God will always provide a way of escape if His children choose to take it (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Jesus lifts us up when we’re weak and makes us strong. His strength is ours if we accept it. He even intercedes for us to God to give us help in times of trouble (Romans 8:26).
One thing to remember is that God may be testing your faith in those moments of trial. The type of behavior shown during the bad times reflects the kind of heart within.
James 1:2-3 says, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.”
I’m Scared or Worried
It’s so easy to worry about things in this hectic world in which we live. It’s easy to be scared when we aren’t sure, don’t know and cannot see ahead.
Trusting in God is vital. He is always in control; never for a nanosecond is something going on that is out of His reach. We are all under His eye and He is everywhere around us. That should comfort the Christian! Realizing our dependence on God lifts heavy burdens from us. He tells us to cast our cares upon Him (1 Peter 5:6-7) because He loves us and wants us to live lives free from fear.
God will give you courage to combat fear if you ask Him and truly believe He can give it to you. Why should you be afraid of the world? The Christians are the conquerors (Romans 8:37)!
Matthew 10:28 says, “Do not fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” No matter what, no one can take your soul away from you. You have no need to be afraid when you know Jesus is on your side! He wants to take that fear and anxiety off your shoulders for you. Let him take control and he will fight your battles for you!
“for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (1 Timothy 1:7).
I’m Lonely
Even when we’re surrounded by our nearest and dearest, it’s still possible to feel alone. We don’t always know why, but sometimes that’s just how it is. Or perhaps you really are alone somewhere and you miss your family and friends. Your family, even your best friend in the world can’t be with you all the time, but you have one Friend who will always be beside you, holding your hand through the storm.
If Jesus lives in your heart, then he is your friend. If you do his will, then he is your friend (John 14:21; 15:14-15). Jesus is the only one who will stand by you when everyone else fades away. He is the most constant, faithful and true friend that it’s possible to have. He understands everything you can’t put into words. He wants to replace that selfish side of you and take up residence in your heart. He wants to be your best friend and he’ll never let you down or leave you alone (Heb 13:5b).
Life is hard, there’s no getting around it. But we can take comfort in the knowledge that in the midst of tribulation, when sorrow engulfs us, when we feel helpless or weak, scared or alone, Jesus is there and he cares about us.
By Lacey Deaver
Lacey Deaver is 17 years old and lives in Denton, TX. She is very passionate about history, writing and literature, and God is the King of her life. She also loves to spend time with friends and browsing around in bookstores, and she holds a deep appreciation for newly sharpened pencils.
Oh, Lacey! What a great article! Thank you so much for bringing to remembrance those Scriptures we need when things aren’t going so well. We all will go through tough times, terrible struggles, but it is how we deal with them that is important. Thanks for the encouragement to persevere.
Lacey, your article was wonderful! You did a great job covering your topic. Jesus truly does care! Thank you for the scriptures to back up your points. Thank you for the life you live that backs up what you write and what the scriptures teach.
Thank you Lacey for an excellent article. We all go though times of sadness, weakness and times of fear or worry and loneliness. Aren’t we so very thankful as you pointed out that we have a dependable friend who is with us throughout the bumps of life. Thanks for your interest in sharing biblical thoughts with us.
Thank you for your encouraging words. I really enjoyed your article and I would like to share it with a dear friend. :o)