Stop for a moment and just think about the question “Why study?” and while pondering that question let’s ask other questions– questions like “Why eat?,” “Why breathe?,” or “Why see?” Many think these questions silly. All life has to eat in order to stay alive; all humans have to breathe in order to live, and all desire sight. So how silly are these questions? Very silly indeed! However, the question “Why study?” is not as impractical as some may think but rather an exceptionally significant question for every woman, young or old, to ask themselves. Simply put, the study of the Word of God is necessary for the health of the mind, for the life of the soul, and for the sight of the heart. Study provides nourishment, provides life, and provides guidance.
We all know and recognize those who live unhealthy lives by eating anything and everything, but we also distinguish the one who lives fitly through proper nourishment. The sustenance granted through the Word of God aids in wholesome living. John 15:5 says, “I am the vine and ye are the branches…” As we connect the dots, it is understood: all those who abide in Christ brings forth fruit, so how does one abide in Him and how does one receive this type of nourishment? This vital nutrition is readily provided through Christ. The Scriptures distinctly point us to Christ and the example He left for us to follow. The Bible is replete with passage after passage encouraging the study and understanding of God’s Word. The most commonly heralded is 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Yet, is it clear to us the word “study” in this passage, in the Greek, means to make haste or to exert oneself, endeavor, or give diligence (, n.d.). Looking at other passages that carry the same thought leads us to 2 Peter 1:10 and 2 Peter 3:14. Making haste “…to make our calling and election sure…” requires spending time in God’s Word. Christian women must exert themselves “…that ye may be found of Him in peace, without spot, and blameless.”
Remember the old saying “You never miss your water ‘til your well runs dry”? Have you ever wondered why that saying doesn’t use air? You never miss your oxygen ‘til your air runs out. No need to imagine what would happen because life depends on it. The prophet David and the other psalmists described the Word of God as if it was the very air they breathe. Psalm 119:1,2 states, “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep His testimonies and that seek Him with the whole heart.” How can we keep that which we don’t understand and how can we understand what we won’t or don’t study? The entire 176 verses of Psalms 119 illuminates God’s Word and the immense vitality knowing and understanding its wisdom gives to the hearer and doer. Would you wait ‘til your air runs out before you start to miss it? Obviously not! Therefore take in a deep breath of the Word of life that is able to save your soul.
If someone was to ask you “Are you blind?” would you think this to be a strange question? You probably would especially if you can see. Yet, do we understand that spiritual blindness exists even unbeknownst to the unsighted. One contributing reason the blind lead the blind (Matthew 15:14) is due to a lack of study. So another crucial answer to the question “why study?” is so you can see and see clearly. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments” (Psalm 119:105-106). If you have obeyed the gospel of Christ and been baptized into Christ for the remission of your sins then you have sworn to perform and keep the righteous judgments of Christ. Study draws you near to God and when you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you (James 4:8). Study the Word of God and see God’s wonderful plan to save man from their sins. Study God’s Word to see and know the mind of God. The Creator of all mankind, the Creator of all living things, and the Creator of the immeasurable universe desires to give sight to your heart and life to your body through His divine written Word. Seize it! It is wisdom! It is light! It is holy and it is in our hands to learn and do.
The summation of it all is this: study because it is nourishment for our souls, study because it is life to our bodies, and study because it is sight for our hearts. “Why study?” should no longer be the unanswered question. The unanswered question should now be “Why not study?” Why not make haste or exert ourselves to know God more. Why not breathe the wisdom only the God of heaven can provide. Why not open our eyes to see the awesomeness of the God all mankind should serve? Why not study?…Why not study?…Why not study? No greater encouragement can be given to women of God than the encouragement to dig deep into the wonderful, powerful, insightful Word of the almighty God.
God Bless and let’s study together in order to grow together so we can go to heaven together.
By Evelyn Bonner
Evelyn and her husband, Mike, serve with the Grape Street church of Christ in Abilene, TX where Mike preaches. She is the proud mother of five children. She enjoys speaking for ladies days.
Thank you for a wonderful reminder of the importance God’s Word has in our daily lives! Keep up the encouraging work!
It IS so easy to take for granted something that we haven’t had to personally fight for…something we can find at most stores…or hear with a click online… A book that we can have preached at us while we sit on our rumps! It’s easy to say “Hey, maybe I’ll study that later when I have time…” But yes, it’s a part of a Christian’s responsibility and indeed important. Thanks for the reminder on the value of God’s book and the necessity of its study!
This is so great! An excellent article to pass on to my kiddos as they grow in the Word. May we never forget the value of the Good Book 🙂