Our last Let It Overflow challenge was all about encouraging the younger members in our congregation to be active participants in the worship services. Well, turnabout is fair play, so our next challenge is to encourage the older members of our congregation. Too often we overlook this vital part of the church, those who come diligently to services even as it becomes more difficult to do so. What an example for all of us about finishing our Christian walk with strength and obedience to God!
So for the next two weeks (or more!) find ways to encourage those in your congregation who make it a point to be at services if at all possible. I can already think of two such members in our congregation. A lovely couple who have been married over 60 years (!), but have their daughter or granddaughter drive them to every service because it is not safe for them to drive themselves. Or a gentleman who has multiple health problems and difficulty walking, but is sitting in the pew every time the doors are open. These are the heroes that our children and our young families need to notice.
If you teach a Bible class to children, have each of them make an encouragement card and give them to various older worshippers in you congregation. I made up a Golden Age Worshipper Award this past week, printed it on cardstock, covered the star in gold glitter, and then had my children write their names (I wrote for my toddler). Both of my girls were arguing over who they wanted to give it to, so of course we had to make another!
To download this award page, click here: PDF Golden Age Worshipper Award
We’ve not given our awards out yet, but I hope it goes over well. It always feels good to know that despite your age, you are still needed and noticed in the church.
I love this idea! Thank you for sharing. I’ve recently encountered a few older women who are very unhappy. I’ve been trying to find ways to encourage them. Thank you!
Oh, I’ve never seen anything like this! Love it.
My daughter-in-law and I teach 4/5’s during the school year. Each Sunday, we have cards with the childrens first name…excluding their first letter…on the cards. There is a line for the first letter of their name, i.e. ____addie for Maddie. As class begins, the children are allowed to pick their preferred color thin marker, and they “sign” all the cards. We do approximately 10 cards weekly, and they go to our shut-ins, sick, and those who need encouraging, plus new members. At the beginning of our class season, I take a photo of the children, and simply print it on card stock (white or cream), 4×6 size. We include a photo with each card (for shut-ins, we include 1 photo with the first card, and then about every 6 weeks we’ll send another). After our Bible lesson, the children then go to the mailbox and put the cards in the box themselves, raise the flag. It breaks up the class time for us, but it has amazed me how much positive response we get from the recipients.
This is also a great way to encourage ‘oldsters’…and it teaches the children to think of others too.
I Love this idea Joy. Thank you for sharing:-)
Neat Idea!!!