After reading through the Bible in a year with my family for a few years in a row, we decided to try something different. Focus Press just came out with a daily devotional book, iGrow, which looked great, so we decided to use that for our family devotionals this year.
The book is very modern looking and has a great spiral binding that allows you to open it up flat or fold it back on itself. It is easy to carry with a Bible and overall is very comfortable to use.
iGrow has 365 lessons that will take you on a journey through the Psalms, Proverbs, and the New Testament over the course of a year. Each day has five elements:
- Relax-the day starts with a one minute assignment to get your mind prepared for the study.
- Read-the instruction is to devote four minutes to reading. This part alternates daily between one chapter from the New Testament and one or two chapters from the Psalms or Proverbs. The amount of time required on this can definitely vary depending on the length and difficulty of the chapter(s) being read and the ability of the reader.
- Reflect-this part includes three or four questions designed to get you thinking. Some questions are from the text and others are open, discussion-type questions.
- Record-this section’s questions are used nearly every day: “Write down one question or observation from the reading… how will this chapter strengthen your relationship with God… list one action step you will take as a result of the reading.” This section is designed to take only three minutes. As a family, we had to switch this to a discussion instead of a writing experience because handwriting became the main focus and it took much longer than three minutes to complete.
- Request-devote four minutes to talking with God.
As a family, we have used this for ten months, most weekdays out of that time. Overall, it has worked well for us as a starting place. Some lessons are great for getting into the text, but others have more “what do you think?” type questions. Many days, we have added our own questions or changed questions around. By taking our study slower, it has allowed us dig a little deeper into the chapters we read. It has allowed us to take more time for discussion, to look up definitions of words, and to sing a few songs that we were reminded of when we came across them in our reading.
For personal study, this would have been a little different experience. I think it would be great for someone trying to develop a habit of daily Bible study because it is designed to only take about 15 minutes. It is great for getting a general, simple idea about the text and taking some small steps to put what is learned into action.
Proverbs 6:23 says, “For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light; And reproofs for discipline are the way of life.” My prayer for you is that you will continue to grow in Him. Whether you are looking for something to get you started or for something a little different, this is a great tool for you!
By Heidi Sprouse
Heidi Sprouse is a proud wife of Steven and mother to Hannah, 13, and Caleb, 10. She works as a secretary for the local school district. She and her family homeschool and serve with the Rocky Ford church of Christ in Rocky Ford, Colorado.
Note: The author was in no way compensated for this review nor was Come Fill Your Cup, its Editor or affiliates.
Great review, Heidi. It’s definitely a book that is on my wish list. I never thought about using it for our family Bible time. Great idea!!!
My husband and I are currently using this book. We have found it a great way to get in the habit of daily Bible Study. He travels a lot and we both study the same lesson even though we are apart. But when he is home, we study it together. We have learned a lot from this study.
Rewarding 🙂
Sounds interesting. Will look into it.
Improving 🙂
It sounds like what I need.
Carley! You are the winner of the giveaway! Send us a message on the cfyc Facebook page with your information and we will get it in the mail. Congratulations!