Sitting on my desk is a photograph that, for me, encapsulates 1993. In the kitchen of our old home in San Marcos, Texas, John is on his knees playing with four-year-old Jordan and 18-month-old Jacob. John has pulled the backs of their t-shirts over the tops of their heads. Jordan’s fading chicken pox marks are visible on his little belly, and his face wears a delighted grin. Jacob’s chubby cheeks are curved up in an uncertain smile as he reaches to push his shirt away. John has an arm around each of them, looking down and being silly. They were my world in 1993.
I vaguely remember the first World Trade Center bombing that year. I remember the Waco standoff between the FBI and David Koresh’s group of followers, and I remember Bill Clinton. But I couldn’t tell you many more of 1993’s events. My world was wrapped up in my home, my husband, and my children.
Twenty years have passed. I look back with a bit of embarrassment about some of the things I said and did and thought. Things that seemed so important then are now less earth-shattering. I see some improvements I’ve made and I see many areas that I am still working on. Each year that passes proves that life must be a journey of continual growth in faith, knowledge, and well-doing. (2 Peter 3:17-18; Ephesians 4:14-16) I hope and pray that I was receptive to the wise women around me who wanted to help me along. I still need those wise women!
Now, if I could communicate with the 25-year-old me, what would I want her to know?
“Dear Carla,
You married the most amazing man (and he will just keep getting better and better!) Moving to Dripping Springs is a good decision. The internet is about to change, improve, and complicate your life all at the same time. You’re going to have another little boy in a few years (I know you want a little girl, but boys are the best and God knows what He is doing!) Don’t use credit cards. Don’t despair; there will again come a day when you can grocery shop without little tagalongs. Go give Meemaw one more hug and let her see the boys again – she won’t be around much longer. Laugh with Grandma some more; Alzheimer’s disease is a thief. And here are a few more things I’d like to remind you of:
1. Your spiritual life is in your own hands. I know you’re reading Bible stories to the boys. You’re busy preparing them for Bible class; making sure they have their little Bibles and are dressed like their Daddy. I know they climb around on your lap during worship services, needing tissues and discipline and Cheerios. I know it’s nearly impossible to hear what is being said from the pulpit. But you need to take more time to feed yourself spiritually. Yes, you have laundry and projects to finish, but they will still be there after you sit down to absorb lasting truths from His Word. The boys are young, but truthfully you are still young in your own spiritual growth, and you should desire to grow just as they are growing. (1 Peter 2:2) Don’t be afraid to teach Ladies’ Bible classes. Face your fear of being separated from
the boys and go with John on some mission trips. Pack them up and take them along when it’s possible – yes, they might not sleep, they might get out of their routine, and it might not be easy, but you will all grow spiritually as a family!
2. Marriage is great, but where you are right now is sometimes difficult. Your time and attention is divided. You are busy with things that won’t seem to wait, and in your marriage relationship, you have the power to defuse silly disagreements. You can make the choice to be too sensitive and then to become angry over trivial things. It might escalate into an argument, and then into several days of disharmony. I know that isn’t what you want! “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger…” (Proverbs 15:1). “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense…” (Proverbs 19:11). God wants harmony, compassion, kindness, humility, forgiveness and love in His body (Ephesians 4:2-3; Colossians 3:8-15) and He wants those characteristics to exist between you and John. The devil would like nothing more than to come between you – don’t give him a foothold!
Make sure you continue to grow as a couple. Before long, the boys will start leaving home and beginning their own families and it’ll be just you and John again. You’ll miss your boys so much that you’ll ache, but you’ll be so thankful that your best friend is still by your side and you will still enjoy life!
3. Every day with your boys is important. You’re teaching them Bible facts: the books of the Bible, the apostles, the periods of Old Testament history. Those are great, but I’d have to say it is even more important to teach and model for them the attitudes that God wants us to have. They may be able to recognize and refute error, but if they don’t have love, it is worthless (1 Corinthians 13:1-7). They may become powerful speakers and preach the truth, yet if they are harsh and critical, and unable to see their own faults, they will also be judged harshly (Matthew 7:1-5). I hope you’ll spend more time modeling godly attitudes.
You think those little boys belong to you, but they really don’t. The Lord has only entrusted them to your care for a little while. Walk carefully with them (Ephesians 5:15-16). You’re tired of hearing people say “Enjoy every moment, it goes by so fast!” but I’m here to tell you that it’s the truth. They won’t always want to sit on your lap or be rocked to sleep. Very soon the day comes when your turn is over and they want a different hand to hold. But don’t worry! Those little girls that you and John have been praying for, are being taught to love and honor God. They have become amazing women who bring you so much joy and love and friendship. God is so good!
4. Take care of your body. I know you love to cook and bake and feed John and the boys. You love to make them happy with food, but you’ve put on some weight and it’s beginning to affect your self-esteem and other areas of your life. You’re missing out on things and you don’t even know it. You won’t always be able to get around as easily as you do now. There’s still no magic weight loss pill in 2013. You need to learn to eat appropriately and be more active. Of course, you are still valuable to God – He sees your heart, not your appearance (1 Samuel 16:7), but I know you, and your self-confidence will be affected and your work will suffer. Make a few changes now and you won’t regret it.
Count your blessings, Carla! They are many. Deepen your relationship with the Lord. Strengthen your relationships. Don’t be so critical. Develop your talents. Let go of old hurts. Be more of a servant. Say “I’m sorry” more often. And be thankful!
By Carla Moore
Carla and her husband, John, live in Dripping Springs, Texas where John is a full-time minister. They have three sons: Jordan, Jacob, and Micah, and discovered the joy of having a daughter when Erin married Jordan! Carla has been a homemaker for 26 years and mom for 23, and has enjoyed a number of part-time jobs while staying home with her boys.
- That Sunday Morning - July 14, 2021
- I’m Glad He’s Not Like Me - February 10, 2021
- Scripture Writing: Acts - January 4, 2021
Wonderful article.. So very applicable to all young mothers as well as those aging.. This earthly life is just a small step when compared to eternity.. Those little things come more into their true place as we grow and mature..
Thank you for this.
Excellent reminders. Thank you, Carla!
Fantastic and lovingly written article, sister! Just wonderful! Thank you for taking the time to write it!
My name is Twila and I love your website! Love the articles. Would love to have a conversation with you and a possible speaking engagement in Kerrville. Would you give me when you have a chance so we can discuss? 830-285-9713. Thank you, Twila Richardson
Thank you! For the encouragement through this article! I ask for prayers from my sisters in Christ. We seem to think we are the only ones going through this, but when we connect through things like this, it makes us humble ourselves and realize, It’s not just me and thank you Lord for sending this sweet sister my way!
So touching! I’ve been there and know exactly what you are saying. Keep up this wonderful mission of encouraging others!!
Thanks, y’all. Hindsight is 20/20, isn’t it? It was helpful for me to look back. <3
Thank you, Carla, for this wonderful snapshot of life and reminder to keep plugging along and value that which is truly valuable!
Ms. Carla,
I keep growing to love you more and more! When you came to visit, you knew all the things that I face as a young mother and were so encouraging. This too encourages me and makes me want to keep on – because I know who you are now and the example you are for us. We thank you!
Ms. Mandie, YOU are beautiful, strong, encouraging and admirable. Thank you for the sweet comment – but I hope you know how much I admire you for your sweet and quiet spirit and the way you handle tough stuff. Love YOU!
Carla, you are an amazing writer and my best friend. What a wonderful piece, and filled with wisdom and knowledge. Thank you for sharing your life with me and for helping others with your many gifts.
Everyone else, please know that I stand amazed each and every day at how wonderful my wife truly is. She works so hard in our home, keeping it running efficiently and looking so beautiful and warm. I love coming home to her every day. She has several part-time jobs, teaches classes, speaks at ladies days, counsels at one summer camp, then is a cook at another, and on and on I could go. She maintains a blog, pays the bills, cooks, etc. etc. etc. AND is so supportive in all my ministry endeavors. She is truly a wonder woman filled with the fruit of the Spirit. I thank God for giving me such a wonderful wife. Sorry to all of you who had to read this sappy post, but just couldn’t help myself. She deserves a whole lot more than this little bit of praise from me. Love her so much.
Wow! I love you most. You’re the best. <3
Thank you Carla for sharing that….you were talking to me too!
Love this! Thanks for sharing!
I love you. I love that you’re my BFF. I love that you have such a HUGE talent and bless so many with the gift of your writing. You’ve taught me so much as a Christian wife, mother, friend.
Thank you, friend. I love you too! <3
How did I miss this? Carla, I just love the way you write from your heart! 🙂
Thank you Jennifer – you’re such a sweetheart! <3