Mark 10:14
“Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
As she walked into the class room, I welcomed Mary Rose, (age 8) with a smiling face saying how happy I was to have her in Bible class. She smiled and surveyed the territory. Mary Rose saw several vivid pictures on the wall having to do with past Bible lessons, a map with stars highlighting various places, students names listed with colorful paper, a large open Bible waiting to be read, names and faces of Bible people hanging from the ceiling, a Bible time line with many words and pictures, a “word bird” pocket poster containing slips of brightly colored paper with different Bible words on them, an attendance board, a Bible verse chart, a basket with many cards to sign and send out to others, several blocks piled up in the corner with words on them, and a table ready for early arrivers such as herself.
After giving Mary Rose a special name tag, I invited her over to the “early bird” table and helped her get acquainted with some of the other children. They were all working on a puzzle with nice sized pieces that were easy to hold. Everyone had their ideas as to what the puzzle was going to be. Once they put it together it would help them know who the Bible lesson was going to be about. One of the pieces included a Bible reference. Whoever had that piece looked up the reference and after the puzzle was finished they could read it to the class. Today they would be learning about the tower of Babel!
As I gave my pointer to one of the students. Mary Rose eagerly watched to see what was going to happen next.
Time line travel! This is where we locate and find when our lesson took place. Was it before or after the flood? What age was it in? (Patriarchal, Mosaic, or Christian) Who lived around the time of our lesson? After a little discussion we added a card to our time line travel suit case for later review.
During the Bible lesson Mary Rose loved all the colorful visual aids that helped her learn how important it is to obey God.
Using the blocks with words she and all the other children worked hard to build the tower by putting the words of the Bible verse in the right order.
Mary Rose liked her Bible class. She thought to herself how glad she was to have come and how she was looking forward to attending next week.
To my Sister Bible class teachers!
I come to you with a full heart looking forward to sharing some things from my Bible class closet that have spilled over onto the walls, floor, and ceiling of my class room!
Join Mary Rose and Me each month as we explore the Bible truths she sees, experiences and learns in and out of Bible class, after which one specific visual aid will be featured, its use explained, where to purchase, or how make one of your own!
I am a believer that Bible visual aids need to be more than just a creative work of art. They need to teach and recall the mind to Bible.
The Bible Time Line was one of the visual aids Mary Rose enjoyed. Me? I have always loved using a time line of some sort to relate the order of the Bible, (its people and events as to what came first, and in what time the lesson takes place) to my students. I also like reaching back to show what has been promised and then fulfilled. You can also use a time line to locate and find a person, place or thing in which have studied about by asking certain questions to rule out sections of the time line zoning in on what or whom you are trying to locate. I find it to be a very useful interactive tool for Bible classes from second grade and above.
If you are not familiar with it already, let me introduce you to The Illustrated Bible Time Line.
Here is an example of how I am currently using this time line with grades 4-6. To make this you should use 6-9 regular sized poster boards. You may choose to laminate the posters and the time line. Tape the posters together with clear box tape and then use the box tape to mount the time line onto the poster boards. It will be secure, portable and less susceptible to damage. I chose not laminate and used Elmer’s glue to mount the time line itself to the poster and then stapled the whole thing to the wall.
Something I found very useful was to type and print off words, phrases, and scripture. Cut them apart and add them to the time line supporting some if the different information within the time line itself. I am including an attachment that will allow you to print off information to use on your own time line.
The attachment includes the following plus a little more.
- The books of the Bible
- Dispensations of Time/Age,
- Patriarchal, Genesis – Exodus 18
- Mosaic, Exodus 19 – Acts 1
- Christian, Acts 2 – Revelation
- 3 Promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
- Names of the 12 patriarchs/sons of Jacob, etc.
I love everything about this time line! It is easy to see and read. The Bible people have smiles and frowns to show if they were faithful or not.
The very beginning of this time line refers to Ephesians 1:3-4
(Before the beginning of time God had a plan!)
Ephesians 1:3-4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. NASU
Crystal Hunter is the author of The Illustrated Bible Timeline and is a member of the church and works with the Livingston Ave Church of Christ in Lutz, Florida. Louise Hunter is the illustrator and has done beautiful work. If you are interested in obtaining this time line for your own class room use please see the information below.
The Illustrated Bible Time Line may be purchased at these places on line.
- $22.46
- $24.95
- $24.95 Religious Supply Center Louisville KY – 1-800-626-5348
In closing I would like to tell you a little about Mary Rose and Me.
A few years ago I attended my first Make and Take visual aids Chalking Session at Polishing the Pulpit which is a family lectureship in Sevierville Tennessee. Many penciled poster size visual aids were provided for us to choose from. Any one of them would have been a wonderful asset to a Bible lessons but when my eyes met hers I knew she was going to have a very special place in my Bible class closet. Having been completed and topped with laminate I picked her up rosy cheeks and all. As I walked down the hall I came across a sweet mother with 4 stair-stepped little men (the youngest in a stroller) all dressed in black pants and vests, white shirts, red ties and caps. I couldn’t help but stop to meet them all. As our conversation went on I showed them the little girl I made and explained she didn’t have a name and asked if they could help me name her. As they thought, I could see the oldest young man (around age 7) really thinking and he finally said, “Mary Rose.” So she has been Mary Rose to this day! Since then I have taken the time to give her a make over so the character of “Mary Rose” is now mine and I feel honest about using her for Mary Rose and not an on line picture from someone else. She still looks quite a bit the same but I did change her dress, hair style and face. Also brought her arms to front to hold her Bible. Oh, and she also got new shoes!
Me? Well, unlike Mary Rose, I am still a work in progress.
I have been married to my wonderful, supportive husband Dan for 36 years. We were born and raised in the lower peninsula of Michigan. Dan grew up in Saginaw and I grew up in the small country town of Burt. We met and married at the Center Rd. Church of Christ in Saginaw Michigan. Dan graduated from the Bristol Road School of Biblical Studies (2 year preaching school) in Flint Michigan 1978. We have been working with the Owasso church of Christ in Owasso Oklahoma for over 20 years. We have 3 faithful children (two sons and one daughter) who are married and have Christian spouses. We have been made into grandparents three times now! Jonathan, Matthew, and Micaiah. I have had experience in teaching children’s Bible classes from cradle roll – 6th grade for over 30 years I have also had the pleasure of opening the Word with teen and adult ladies classes. I love to share God’s Word and continue to grow with my students. My favorite class is 4-6th grade.
Come Fill Your Cup has enabled me to open the door of my Bible class closet to you! It is my prayer that you find encouragement and inspiration as Bible teachers to lavish upon your students visual aids that help them to learn and recall Bible truths. 2 Peter 1:12-15, Jeremiah 20:9. Nothing goes together better than the Bible, children and visual aids. They are my passion.
Time Line Words to insert at this link:
Gwendolyn Schnell
- Perk Up Your Kids’ Bible Class by Talking About the Bible Books! - August 21, 2024
- Perk Up Your Kids’ Bible Class with a Sweet Method for Resource Madness! - July 18, 2024
- Perk Up Your Kids’ Bible Class by Feeding the “Big Mouth”, Books! - March 20, 2024
Thank you for shaing your classroom schedule. We have some teachers that believe if they just color a picture associated with the story, then they had a good class. Some room decorations are years old. I plan to share this and all your forthcoming articles and pray that change will soon occur. we are starting anew curriculum in March and all colors, glue, and scissors will disappear from their rooms. Praying for guidance as teachers grow in teaching God’s word.
You are so welcome Pam! I totally understand the struggle and so happy if this article over time will be of help.
Sincerely, Gwen Schnell
Thank you so much for sharing – this will be a wonderful and very helpful series!!
You are so welcome Jennifer! Thank you for your encouragement!
Gwen Schnell
Yeah! I’m so excited for you and Mary Rose to share with other Bible class teachers. I know you have a heart for teaching God’s word and a true talent for visual aids so I knoww you will be a great addition to the CFYC site!
Hello Renee! Hey I appreciate so much your encouragement to me as I pass on encouragement to others!
Gwen Schnell
Yay!!! I am SO excited about this Ms. Gwen! What a blessing you are! Thank you so much for sharing your love, work & creativity with those of us who struggle in this area, I can’t wait to see what all you have in store for us!
Thank you so much Lacy! I do have a love for making the Bible come alive using visual aids. I do have a list in my head this very moment of what I will be sharing. Thanks for all the encouragement!
Gwen Schnell
I’m sad that people think teaching kids is a strict regimented process.. If I have a teacher who wants to color then I’m OK with that. At least they’re stepping up to teach and make a difference. I have been teaching nonstop for 10yrs doing 2 classes a week and get tired…no wait EXHAUSTED. No two people teach alike and as long as they’re taking time to care and teach Gods word. I’m OK with that.
Hello Lynn,
Thank you so much for your thoughts! You seem to have said a lot in just a few sentences. 🙂
You sound like someone who is very dedicated and thankful for available and willing help in the teaching arena.
I agree with you in the fact that no 2 people teach their Bible classes alike. That is one of the beauties of so many sharing ideas, enableing others to learn different approaches to teach Bible truths as effectively as one possibly can.
On some levels I feel a color page is fine especially if it fits the Bile lesson. I have saved several color pictures from my own children over the years and look back at them fondly knowing they were in the process of learning Bible. Hopefully with so many idea helps available in so many ways, a color page is not the only thing the children do every week because different children do have different needs. As teachers we too are in a growing/learning process.
I do understand what you are saying though. The teacher who gives their students a color paper is just as VALUABLE as those who may have a variety of visuals and hands on to bring across the Bible lesson. Yes, you are absolutly right they are valuable.
I do believe as congregations we struggle in many differing ways and finding willing hearts to teach our precious children is definately one of those struggles.
We are accually waiting for someone to fill some of our teaching spots for March. I feel panic mode approaching!
Over the years I have taught in various levels of church budget. When I began teaching I used to save the small blank white cardstock that came in a package of ladies Nylons/Hose to draw or mount my lesson pictures on. I did not have a lot of supply availale to my finger tips but used a recourse that was.
Today, I am very blessed with other teachers within our congregation to be a bit lavished upon when it comes to having the supply to create.
Having or not haivng a creative mind is another matter.
When you speak of having a strict regimented process…, I believe it is very helpful to have some sort of lesson plan ready for the flow of class time whether it be in our head or on paper, though someone like yourself realizes one must be flexable and willing to divert from that plan to accommodate the needs of the class.
I do not know the circumstance for you having taught 2 classes a week for 10 years, but you certainly have a willing heart and I do commend you for it! I pray you will consider working a way to trade off with someone if possible every now and then to pamper yourself by chosing to be in an adult Bible class.
To sincerely make a difference,
Gwen Schnell
Great teachers are such a blessing! Thanks for sharing this and I look forward to more encouraging posts from you!
You are so very welcome Deirdra! There are so many ieas out there and I appreciate you giving your time to check out what Mary Rose is learning about. You are an encouragement to me! Sorrry I failed to see your post until mow. Please let me know if you have any questions about any of my posts! May God bless you in your teaching.