I’ve often said that Come Fill Your Cup is my baby. It’s just a saying. But since Tami Roberts and I started this venture in 2010, that saying has often felt more literal than I’d have ever guessed it could. CFYC is something I’ve prayed over, worked for, nurtured. I’ve watched it grow, seen it change, seen it touch people’s lives. It’s very much like another child in our family, and just as it would be difficult—impossible, really—to describe the impact a child has on a family, it is difficult to explain all the blessings our family has been granted through CFYC. Acquaintances have become friends. Friends have become as dear as family. It has been a catalyst for growth for me and for others. I cannot take the credit, though; it is just as Corinth was for Paul and Apollos (1 Corinthians 3:6). I planted, many others watered, but all the growth has come from God.
God has grown my physical family, too. When CFYC began, I was eight months pregnant with our fourth son. Now, just short of six years later, as I type this, I’m sitting next to our sixth child, our first darling daughter. One of the best lessons I’ve learned from CFYC is that women have great work to do! We get to raise babies and train them to be soldiers for Christ. We are charged with keeping the home fires burning— the very heart of the family. You can talk to someone in their 70s, 80s and older and it’s likely they’ll have much to tell you about their childhood. Decades after leaving their parents’ home, that time of life is still important. And we, mommas, have an inestimable influence during our babies’ growing up years. What a precious charge we have been given! Which brings me to my point…
It’s time for me to shift my focus back to my primary charge. CFYC has grown beyond my ability to tend it and tend my home fires. At some point, if all goes according to plan, your child leaves your nest, and CFYC is leaving mine. Kristy Huntsman has been an integral part of CFYC since shortly after its inception. She began with articles, became my co-host on the podcast CFYC Espresso, served as Editor of Missionary of the Month, and proved herself invaluable as a sounding board, encourager and all around support. More recently, she began Finer Grounds, our weekly exegetical Bible study series, which has blossomed into three published books with more in the works. She is brilliant, passionate, an excellent student of God’s word, loving, capable and has an amazing vision for CFYC. Beginning January 1, she will be the Editor in Chief and I can’t wait to see what’s in store. Oh, I won’t be out of the picture (I couldn’t possibly abandon my baby!), but my role will be quite different. I have no question that my baby is in the best hands possible and I am so very excited to see what God will do with this ministry. Stay tuned, ladies… it’s gonna be great.
- Illuminations: James and Romans - June 17, 2021
- Illuminations: Galatians 4:21-31 - March 31, 2021
- Illuminations: Psalm 46 - February 18, 2021
I am so thankful you started this, Erynn! This has been a great help and kick in the pants that I have needed over the years. Love you much, Erynn!! I know Kristy will take great care of your baby!! <3 <3