“Lord, teach us to pray.” This request made by the disciples in Luke 11:1 should be our plea as well. We could probably all make some improvements in this area of our lives – I know I can.
As Christians, we need to be women of prayer. Not only at mealtime. Not only at bedtime. All the time! Paul instructs us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). This means to always be ready and willing to speak with the Lord.
Have you read Neal Pollard’s article entitled Let Us Pray? For a family devotional about prayer, I’d recommend you check out this thought-provoking article. It’s really well done!
The subject “prayer” is extremely broad. There are so many different directions one could
travel while contemplating the prayers of the saints. We could consider some types of prayers (e.g. supplication, praise, thanksgiving, sorrow for sin). We could consider some results of prayer (e.g. bringing people closer together, soothing broken hearts, squelching gossip). We could consider how to teach our children to pray.
I believe that we can (and perhaps should?) be more organized with our prayers. It’s very helpful to have a notebook, or a running list of some kind to aid you in your prayer life. (Learn how to make your own prayer journal HERE).
The main focus of this devotional is about praying throughout the day. With a little practice and some determination, we CAN have a closer relationship with our God. James says to “draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). Isn’t that what we all want?
Have you ever seen the movie The Fiddler On The Roof? My husband and I recently saw it for the first time, and I’m sorry to say that I really didn’t care for it (a little depressing for my taste). But have you noticed the way Tevye (the Papa) talked to God ALL day long? I know—he did so irreverently at times. I’m not in any way suggesting that we bring God down to our level, but why can’t WE speak to our Lord as we go about our day (respectfully of course)? Why can’t WE talk with our Father as if He were right beside us? Why can’t WE pray without ceasing?
We can!
Here are 10 ways that I have found to include God in my everyday activities. I hope they will inspire you to find more times each to pray.
1. While I bake bread for a friend or a neighbor, I can pray for them.
2. While I iron my husband’s shirts, I can pray for him.
3. When I sit down to read God’s Word, I can ask for guidance and thank Him for the Bible.
4. When I’m paying the bills, I can thank God for our electricity and our home.
5. When I write a note to someone in my congregation, I can pray for that person.
6. When I’m pulling weeds, I can thank God for my strength and health.
7. When I see a beautiful sunset, I can praise God for the beauty of His creation.
8. When I fold the laundry, I can thank Him for the many blessings of life.
9. When I see an ambulance speeding by, I can pray for the sick or injured involved.
10. When I get in the car, I can pray for safety.
Look around for opportunities to pray. I imagine you won’t have to look very far!
I’d love to hear some of your own ideas. What are some “triggers” in your life that remind you to pray?
By Jennifer Jensen
Jennifer Jensen lives in Brighton Colorado. She is married to a Gospel preacher and homeschools her two teenaged daughters.
Originally Posted 4/29/2010
Thanks for the practical ideas on improving our prayer life!!!
I enjoyed reading your article on prayer. It is certainly something we need to take the time to do. Thank you for those examples you gave! 😀
Thanks, Jennifer, for the great reminder to count our blessings! I love to go for a walk early in the morning. This is my favorite time to pray about all of the day’s events.
I really enjoyed this reminder to talk to our Father. Thanks Jennifer!!
Thank you for the encouragement to pray more often. I liked the movie “Fiddler On the Roof” for the way God was a main character in the life of this Jewish family. Sadly, they have rejected Christ, but I agree that respectful conversations with God should be more frequent in a Christian’s life. Good article! :o)
Thank you so much for such a great article on prayer. I would love to hear your thoughts on “organizing prayers” also!