The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 1 John 2:4
The easy part is to call ourselves Christians. We obey the gospel and show up for worship… but have we come to know God? Throughout this series, we have talked about wanting to learn about God, asking questions while you study, and challenging any messengers, so what is next you might ask? To close this series we are going to discuss what to do with all of your new found knowledge. Ready? Build on it. Share it. Build on it some more. Share some more. I didn’t say it would be easy, but neither is following Jesus through thick and thin.
Last week we talked about not relying on the messenger to always be right, instead we have to be discerning. Years ago, when I trained to become a bank teller, we were given real bills to learn to identify them. We were not given fakes so that we would not confuse the two. Once you know the real deal, the fake is easier to spot. The same applies to the Bible. The more you know the real thing, the more easily the fake can be identified. Our God is the real deal. He is the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the End (Rev 21:6). There truly is nobody above Him. When we fall in love with Him and make the decision to get to know Him, nothing else will do.
Let’s talk about some practical ways that you can build knowledge and encourage others around you to as well:
1) Pray for wisdom and knowledge and then work on it! Take the time to truly study every single day! (2 Pet 3:18) “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen”
2) Bring a notebook to class and worship and take notes! If you have time and are creative, decorate them and give them as gifts to encourage note taking. (2 Tim 3:16) “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”
3) Teach. Really, teach!! It is so hard to make that leap, but in the end the teacher always learns more than the students- I promise you! Paul taught so that others could partake in the salvation offered to Him. (Col 1:28) “We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ”
What other ways can you think of to help you grow what you know?
Here are some practical ways that we can share what we know with others :
1) You can share article such as this one on fb, twitter, and other social media sites . Chances are that not all of your friends are Christians and perhaps articles designed to challenge the mind and our faith will pique their interest. It is a non confrontational way to share information with them; after all, how many times have you shared recipes and articles on GMO’s? Isn’t Jesus even more important than that?
2) Invite someone to read the same book as you and discuss it. Too intimidated to go at it alone? No worries, pick a resource and share away! (Cue the CFYC website).
3) When you learn a new fact about something you are studying or heard, share it on social media! Acts 1:8 gives the lay out of how Jesus commanded the Apostles to share the gospel throughout creation. To the ends of the earth he told them, and even though this command is not given directly to us, we have the ability to share with many with just one click, one click! Ask yourself, why not?
4) Does your congregation have shut ins? Visit them and share a cup a tea and a few minutes of reading the Bible and discussing what you are reading. They truly love the company and probably miss the knowledge that is gleaned from weekly Bible studies.
Can you think of other ways that you can share what you know?
These lists are by no means exhaustive, but I wanted to start you off with a few suggestions. I am going to make a promise to you friends- if you put in the time, God will reward you. Not with money, cars, fame; no, with the best gift that you could ever ask for – the ability to know Him forever. (Luke 1:77, “To give to His people the knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins”) I can’t even think of how to wrap that gift up, can you?
by Fee Rocha
Fee is a Christian wife and mother who lives in Sidney, Nebraska. She loves to work alongside her husband, Dustin in the ministry. She home schools her three children and loves a good nature documentary. Her biggest accomplishment is learning how to drive in the snow which serves her well as she drives her own version of the joy bus on Wednesdays and Sundays
I don’t know why I never thought about offering to read the Bible with a shut-in sister! We pray; we talk about God’s love and compassion. Duh! Thanks, Fee! These are great, practical ways to get to know God and help others know Him.