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We have examples in the Bible of those who were filled with negative things. The Scribes and Pharisees, for example, were filled with rage when they saw the miracles of Jesus (Acts 19:28). The disciples were filled with sorrow because they didn’t understand why Jesus had to die (John 16:6). Jesus would explain to them, “You have grief now, but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice; you will grieve, but your grief will be turned to joy.” The High Priest and his associates were filled with jealousy because of the signs and wonders done by the apostles (Acts 5:17). A whole city was filled with confusion (Acts 19:29). Men who “suppress the truth” are filled with “all unrighteousness” (Rom. 1:29). And there have even been those who have allowed themselves to be filled with Satan (Acts 5:3).
Doesn’t this sound just like our world? We see people all around us who are filled with rage, sorrow, jealousy, confusion, and all unrighteousness. God wants His people to be filled with something different. That’s the purpose of this month’s study. What should we be filling our hearts with? After all, the world should see something different in us.
In the front of your Bible, write: Be Filled- Luke 5:26
They were all struck with astonishment and began glorifying God; and they were filled with fear, saying, “We have seen remarkable things today.”
Circle “filled” and underline “fear.”
What caused that fear (see vs. 17-25)? Godly fear leads to obedience and glorifying God. Should our hearts be filled with fear today? If you haven’t already, check out the Bible-marking topic on Fear. At the end of the verse, write Acts 3:10, 11.
…and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him…all the people ran together to them at the so-called portico of Solomon, full of amazement.
Circle “filled” and underline “wonder and amazement” in verse 10. Circle “full” and underline “amazement” in verse 11.
What caused their wonder and amazement (see vs. 1-9)? Is that something we can/ should be filled with today? We should maintain our wonder and amazement when we read of the great power of our God!
At the end of verse 11, write 13:52.
And the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.
Circle “filled” and underline “joy” in 13:52.
Notice the persecution that was taking place against them (v. 50). Why were they continually filled with joy (see v. 48,49)? Do we have the same reasons to be filled with joy today?
At the end of the verse, write Rom. 15:13,14.
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. And concerning you, my brethren, I myself also am convinced that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able also to admonish one another.
Circle “fill” and underline “all joy” and “peace.” In verse 14, circle “full” and “filled” and underline “goodness” and “all knowledge.”
God is the source of our joy and peace. How can we be filled with goodness and all knowledge?
At the end of the verse, write 2 Cor. 7:4.
Great is my confidence in you; great is my boasting on your behalf. I am filled with comfort; I am overflowing with joy in all our affliction.
Circle “filled” and “overflowing” and underline “comfort” and “joy.”
Why was Paul able to be filled with comfort and joy during affliction (see 1:3-10).
At the end of the verse, write Eph. 3:19.
…and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.
Circle “filled up” and underline “all the fullness of God.”
What does that include? In the margin, write “(see v. 12, 16-18)”?
At the end of the verse, write 5:18.
And do not be drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit.
Circle “filled” and underline “the Spirit.”
How do we do that? The answer is found in the very next verse. In the margin, write “(How? See v. 19, 20).”
At the end of verse 18, write Phil. 1:11.
…having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Christ Jesus, to the glory and praise of God.
Circle “filled” and underline “fruit of righteousness.”
What is the fruit of righteousness? In the margin write, “See Gal. 5:22,23.”
At the end of the verse, write Col. 1:9.
For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understand.
Circle “filled” and underline “the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.”
How can we get that? Is that something we can/ should be filled with today?
At the end of the verse, write 2 Tim. 1:4.
…longing to see you, even as I recall your tears, so that I may be filled with joy.
Circle “filled” and underline “joy.”
What was the cause of Paul’s joy in this verse (see v. 5)? Are we filled with that today? Should we be?
Thought questions:
- Notice the list of what filled the hearts of God’s people (fear, wonder, amazement, joy, peace, comfort, the Spirit, fruit of righteousness, and the knowledge of His will). Is your heart filled with these things? Will focusing on filling your heart with these things make it easier to remove the worldly things (rage, sorrow, jealousy, confusion, etc.)?
- A heart filled with these things will be noticed in today’s world. What kind of impact will that make on all who know you?
- Bible Marking: You Are… - July 7, 2022
- Bible Marking: Know Your Enemy - January 28, 2022
- Bible Marking: Strong Drink - November 25, 2020
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