Monday: homework due in pre-calculus, music test, quiz in history, go to work.
Tuesday: test in pre-calculus, macroeconomics quiz, English paper due.
Wednesday: homework due in English, music quiz, go to work.
Thursday: read short story for English, study for test in macroeconomics.
Friday: work all day.
This is what my life is like most days. I go to college, work on homework, study for tests, write papers, go to work and the cycle repeats. It’s like living the same day over and over again. Where most college students say they fuel their days with coffee, I (honestly) look forward to the days I get to go to Panera Bread for lunch. Ice cold tea, hot soup in a bread bowl, and free wifi? Yes, please!
With three tests in one week, homework due in each course, and papers to write, I often feel so overwhelmed. How will I get all of this homework done in time? When will I have time to study for this test? It’s so easy to get caught up in the “important” things of this world and lose sight of the big picture — heaven. When we zoom out of our life and look at the big picture, we find that college really isn’t “important,” work really isn’t “important,” and where we live really isn’t “important.” What is important is where we spend eternity. True success in life is living our life and going to heaven.
As a college student, life is crazy, busy, and often overwhelming. So many deadlines to meet, so much homework, so little time. As I sat at Panera one day, I asked myself, “Have I studied my bible as much as I’ve studied for this test?” Answering this question made me ashamed. I’ve let school come before what’s most important. I’ve fallen prey to the devil’s lies: “this test grade is more important than your daily bible reading,” “you’re not valuable,” “you can handle this all alone.” When really none of these things are true. These are lies that Satan whispers in our ears. So, how can we as Christian young ladies keep our minds set on the big picture? How can we keep our minds on things above while at school and at work?
I. Hide His Word in Your Heart.
When you rise in the morning to enjoy your cup or two of coffee, spend time with Him in His Word. Set apart time, during your busy day, for Him. Psalm 119:11 says, “I have stored up Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” When we hide His Word in our hearts, His ways become our ways. When His Word is the compass for our lives, we’ll consider the eternal consequences before making decisions. His Word guides our actions. Make it a priority to study His Word every single day.
II. Pray About Everything.
Your Father in heaven cares about you. He wants more than anything for you to talk to Him. Kneel before the throne of His grace and share with Him your burdens, your fears, your joy, your tears, and your gratefulness. When that test you’ve been studying for is coming up and you can’t seem to shake your nerves, take your worries to Him. Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Prayer brings peace and comfort to our lives. Prayer deepens and strengthens our relationship with our Creator and Father. We need to be in a constant mindset of prayer. We need to worry about nothing and pray about everything.
III. Surround Yourself with Christian Friends.
Having friends who encourage you in your Christian race and help you get to heaven is important. God didn’t put us on this earth to face obstacles and storms all alone. He gave us our Christian brothers and sisters to encourage us. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” We are commanded by God to encourage and to edify one another. We can’t make it in this world alone. We must encourage and be encouraged. So, take time to surround yourself with good Christian friends who will encourage you to live for Him and help you get to heaven. Take a break from the homework and eat lunch with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Grab a coffee and talk about what you can do to make a difference for HIM.
It’s all about the big picture. So, if you’re a college student, like me, trying to figure out this whole college thing, just remember what is most important. It’s not the grades, the GPA, or the scholarship, but it’s about spending time with Him in His Word and bringing glory to His name. It’s all about the eternal destination. Heaven is our goal. So, keep your head up and look above!
- Time for a New Perspective - October 2, 2017
- Dear Future Wife: Look for a Sole Mate - May 15, 2017
- The Mirror - March 20, 2017
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