One of my favorite verses in the Bible has always been Deuteronomy 6:7. “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. (NKJV)” This is the pattern we followed to have a home steeped in Scripture.
What does having a home steeped in Scripture mean?
There are two definitions I found for the word steeped.
- To soak (food or tea) in water or other liquid so as to extract its flavor or to soften it.
- Surround or fill with a quality or influence.
I know the second definition is what most would think of in this instance, but I really like the first definition better.
You want to soak in the Word of God to be able extract all you can in order to soften your heart and flavor your life.
What does having a home steeped in Scripture look like?
It’s discussions with each other about life, using the Bible as the guide.
It’s having nightly, family Bible time while snuggling together on the couch and listening to the Word of God read aloud.
It’s the middle of the day Bible studies that go along with learning science, history, and other school subjects.
It’s seeing Scripture posted all over the house—either as decorations on the wall or verses posted on the refrigerator—that we are engraving on our hearts every time we read them.
It’s quiet, alone time reading God’s word, while sipping coffee in the morning or while snuggled in bed at night before drifting off to sleep.
It’s having Bibles tucked all over the house—in shelves and baskets ready to be read at any point in the day.
None of these things happen by accident. These are things we had to intentionally plan and write into our daily routines. Also, not ALL of these things happened when the children were little. We started with a couple of ideas. As our children have gotten older we have gradually added new ways to include Scripture in our daily lives. By scheduling it, it ultimately became a habit.
What are some things you can do to have a home steeped in Scripture?
- Make a list of ways that you want to include Scripture. Make sure these are ways that will fit with your particular family. What works for us may not fit with your lifestyle.
- Choose the easiest time of the day to add something to your schedule. For instance, our family knows that no matter what happens during the day, we will at least have a few minutes that night when we will be able to gather as a family and have a devotional. This is one thing that we started when our children were small because it was simple and easy for us to accomplish.
- Decide how long it will take each day to accomplish the goal you are setting. For instance, if you want to study the Bible quietly by yourself, figure out how much time you need to accomplish your goal and then choose a quiet place. (When my children were babies, I knew better than to try to set this time in the morning. I was either up all night with them and exhausted, or they were up before me anyway.)
- Set realistic goals. Start simple. Try five minutes a day at your children’s nap time, or ask your husband to watch the kids at night while you have time for yourself to study.
- Consider the age of your children. It is hard to have long Bible discussions or lengthy devotionals with toddlers. Do short, fun, and active devotionals with this age group and ask a few questions afterward. As they get older, you will be able to add more ideas.
- The most important thing to do is write down your routine and post it for everyone to see and follow. Also, be flexible. You may have to move some things around in order for you to accomplish the goals you want.
Having a home steeped in Scripture is worth it! Pretty soon you will be soaking in the Word of God all day long!
by Sharla Orren
Sharla Orren lives with her family in Camden, Arkansas, where her husband is the Pulpit Minister of the Cullendale church of Christ. She loves homeschooling her two boys, ages 14 and 9. She enjoys anything involving history and weather. She also enjoys writing and speaking. You can check out her blog at, in which she writes about homeschooling, natural living, homemaking, and time management.
You always amaze me. Great article! Love you!