John 11:44
The man who had died came forth, bound hand and foot with wrappings, and his face was wrapped around with a cloth.
To my sister Bible class teachers,
As we read God’s Word we envision what the people of that time may have looked like by descriptions given. John the Baptist wore a garment of camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist and ate locusts and wild honey, Matthew 3:4. King Saul was tall and handsome, 1 Samuel 9:2. David was described in this way; Now he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance, 1 Samuel 16:12. As we imagine what Jesus looked like it is rarely how Isaiah describes. He has no stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him. He was despised and forsaken of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and like one from whom men hide their face He was despised, and we did not esteem Him, Isaiah 53:2-3.
As we try to relate the people in Bible times to our students these descriptive terms certainly do help. One thing for certain is that they were real people, not just characters in a made up story. The more we help them create a vision of these people the more real they will become.
This is where my “Sandwich” Bible Characters come on the scene.
“Hmmm, what are Sandwich characters?”
The name comes from the layers they are made from and created with. They are colorful, fun to make, look at, and use! They will help your students visualize Bible people even better.
This summer I had the pleasure of sharing this technique with about 20 future Bible teachers at the Future Teacher Training Camp in Enid Oklahoma. Their Bible lessons came from the Gospel of John so all of the characters they created and I will be sharing will be from this book. The future teachers loved it and thought it was amazing how it all came together to make fun, unique visual aids.
Below I have listed supplies you will need and instructions on how to create “Sandwich” Bible Characters for your Bible class! At the end of this article, you will find a link for your “Gold Star” visual aids which include this same supply list, instructions, and all the patterns we used in Future Teacher Training Camp!
Go from a pattern like this:
To a “Sandwich” Bible Character like this!
Just follow the steps provided.
Supplies you will need are as follows:
- Flat surface to work on.
- Disposable tablecloth or protection for your flat work surface.
- Pattern (Gold Star Visual Aids)
- Carbon paper for transferring pattern.
- Purchase at Office Depot
- Pencil or pen for tracing over pattern.
- Colored construction paper for each different colored part of person or thing, (Make sure you have skin color for Jews).
- Black sharpie marker to outline.
- Scissors.
- Glue (Elmer’s works well)
- Paper towel
- One regular sized paint sticks for each Sandwich Bible Character. If two pictures need to be attached to the same paint stick then I normally use 2 sticks and tape them together to give the extra length needed.
- Home Depot sells 10 nice wooden paint sticks packaged together for under $1.00.
- Clear packing tape to tape paint stick onto the back of each character.
- Optional storage – extra large, 2-gallon zip lock baggies – Wal-Mart.
Instructions: (Click on snapshots to see them clearer.)
- As you are going to be working with carbon paper, have your flat work area protected with a plastic tablecloth for crafting. If you do not protect your work area and carbon transfers onto your surface, shaving cream will easily remove the carbon transferred. (I have tried this with happy success!)
- Making your “sandwich”
- Pattern on top.
- Carbon paper placed dark side down under part of pattern you want to transfer onto construction paper.
- Construction paper under Carbon paper against dark side of carbon paper.
- Take your pen or pencil and carefully trace only over the part of the pattern that is supposed be the color of the construction paper underneath carbon paper. For example, dark brown construction paper for hair, beard, and color of eyes. White for whites of the eyes and hat. Repeat this process for each different part of the Sandwich Character using the appropriate color of construction paper for each part of pattern.
- Before cutting, take your black sharpie marker and draw over all the transfer lines on the pieces of your Sandwich Bible Character that you have transfered to the construction paper.
- Cut out pieces.
- Glue pieces together having paper towel ready to dab any excess glue.
- I do not recommend laminating these characters because of all the layering of paper. You most likely would end up with air pockets.
- Turn your Sandwich Bible Character over. Take your paint stick and lay it onto the back of the character leaving enough of the stick exposed so you can hold it with your hand.
- Take the packing tape and tape a couple pieces over part of the stick attaching it to the back of the character.
- Take your marker and write the name of the character on the back of the stick.
- 2-gallon zip lock baggies are nice for storage. The baggie may not zip closed because of the sticks but your Sandwich Bible Characters will still be protected.
- There are more pictures showing “how toes” in downloadable instructions at link.
- Have lots of fun!!
Find your “Gold Star” visual aids with instructions and much more!
Just click on the gold star below!
My prayers and encouragement go with you!
Gwendolyn Schnell
- Perk Up Your Kids’ Bible Class by Talking About the Bible Books! - August 21, 2024
- Perk Up Your Kids’ Bible Class with a Sweet Method for Resource Madness! - July 18, 2024
- Perk Up Your Kids’ Bible Class by Feeding the “Big Mouth”, Books! - March 20, 2024
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