Editor’s Note: So many girls across the country have been preparing speeches for the Lads to Leaders convention and were unable to give them because it was cancelled. We are spending the next few weeks celebrating the hard work of these young ladies by sharing their speeches with you! We are so incredibly proud of them and know that you will be encouraged and uplifted by their words.
Lillian Medawar, age 8
Southside church of Christ, Grand Rapids Michigan
My family and I love to go on nature hikes at a park near our house. It is called Rogue River Park. We love it there. The hiking trails are hilly, with lots of different paths to take through the woods, by a pond, and alongside a river. We often see a variety of creatures along the path, such as butterflies and squirrels, and once we saw a snake!
Thankfully I’ve never gotten lost during a nature hike, but my sister has! She’s rather adventurous. I’m glad to say that we did find her. But have you ever been lost? It’s an awfully scary feeling.
To prevent getting lost, there are some rules that you need to follow when you are on a nature hike. First, don’t go alone! It’s much easier to get lost if you’re alone! It’s smart to have a buddy with you. Plus, you never know what might be around you. Which leads perfectly to the 2nd rule, which is:
Don’t stray from the path! Staying on the trail is important. If you veer off the path, there may be snakes, dogs, foxes, poison ivy, and all sorts of things that could attack or harm you. There could even be a person who is wanting to snatch you. So never go alone and always stay on the path.
Lastly, use a map! A map will tell you where to start and how to reach the finish. If you do get lost, looking at the map should help you find your way back.
Now, did you happen to notice that these rules about nature hikes are very similar to the rules we ought to follow as we are on the path to heaven?
God did not intend for us to walk this Christian life alone! He designed the church so that we can have a Christian family that is there to help us along the way to heaven. Your church family will encourage you, and will help rescue you when you’ve lost your way. So just like when you’re on a nature hike, don’t try to go alone in life as a Christian!
Also, just like when you’re hiking, don’t stray from the path to heaven! There is danger waiting for you if you leave God’s path. Satan is a roaring lion ready to devour you. He is waiting for you to take even one tiny step towards him, off the path. Don’t even look away from the goal!
Lastly, use the map… our map is the Bible!! It will lead us to salvation.
Matthew chapter 7 says: “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”
In conclusion, I encourage you to remember these 3 rules: Don’t try to go alone, stay on the path, and use the map! Let’s help one another stay on the narrow path that leads to heaven!
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