Genesis 37-50
Greetings! To my sister Bible class teachers,
That’s kind of how I feel when I go places and I see people with their masks on. Who is that masked person? Seriously, though, things are so much different right now with staying in and such. With so many of us missing our church family it has been very encouraging seeing several of you do some Bible lessons on line for all of those young hearts out there! That is something I have yet to try.
One thing I have been working on, believe it or not, is Vacation Bible School! Needless to say many of us will not be seeing those smiling faces, active little bodies, and young souls for which we long to make a difference. It was at this month’s end, (April), that we were supposed to have our first annual VBS Workshop for our teachers/helpers!
At the first of the year I began my on line search for Bible class helps and found some great ideas for our lessons on Joseph!
I found this sweet little site that shares many little Bible people images with free downloads. These images include Jacob and his sons which fell right into place with what we are doing! This is the only picture of a group. The rest are individual images and I liked that even better! It was exciting to find they had such great resolution and because of that several things can actually be done with them!

With practicing our social distancing, which includes wearing a mask from time to time, made me think of what I wanted to share with you this month!
#1 Make them into Masks!
- Download each image you want to use.
- Insert them one at a time onto an 11×17 document.
- Crop the image so all that is showing is the face.
- Position the cropped image on the page so it will be large enough for a child’s mask.
- Insert a circle shape over each eye to make holes for the child to see through.
- Print them in color.
- Cut them out.
- Glue each face/mask onto poster board.
- Cut them out again and tape a paint stick on the back with clear packing tape.
- Write the name of each Bible person on the back of the mask.
These masks could be used by the teacher or students. When we talk about certain Bible people in the lesson the students will hold the mask up in front of their face and stand up. (The names are written on the back of the head, but they could also be written onto the stick.) I ended up finding/making masks for all our Bible people form this lesson! After the lesson your students should be able to tell you something about their Bible person.

#2 Make them into a teaching foldorama!
Use it to sing with or display as talked about.
Find the 12 Sons of Jacob song here!

I used the larger images below for the foldorama above. Each of them are about 8 inches tall. I suggest using white card stock so the paper they were cut from won’t show as much. I used a separate piece for each of them and taped the edges together so it would fold better.

#3 Make a Take-Home Foldorama!
Just reduce the size of the men for the take home foldorama. It will be just right for them to hold it in their hands. You could even put a tie on it by taping the two ends of the string to the back.
#4 Put them on a Ring for Take-Home!
Again I used the reduced size, cut and glued them onto scraps of white poster board. Reinforced hold punch area with tape. I labeled each son of Jacob with a number (1-12) on the back, of their birth from oldest to youngest. Added their name to the front and a tag of who these little men represent. Then added a little ring. Also add the scripture of where your lesson comes from.

#5 Stand-up Bible People!
We plan to enlarge these little guys with our opaque projector and stand them up around the church’s building during VBS. They will be so fun!
#6 Trading Cards!
They could be made into trading cards with a scripture reference.
#7 Game!
Put a text box on each of the 12 son’ s pictures and add their name. Print two sets. Cut them out separately. Split your students into 2 teams and have them put them in order oldest to youngest. The team, who put them in order first wins!
#8 Bookmarkers
How fun would it be to have a special little Bible person on a bookmark that includes their memory verse!
A “Gold Star” just for you!
Click on the gold star to find your free download!

I hope you find these little Bible people useful, I sure have!
My prayers and encouragement go with you!
Gwendolyn Schnell

- Perk Up Your Kids’ Bible Class by Talking About the Bible Books! - August 21, 2024
- Perk Up Your Kids’ Bible Class with a Sweet Method for Resource Madness! - July 18, 2024
- Perk Up Your Kids’ Bible Class by Feeding the “Big Mouth”, Books! - March 20, 2024
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