At this present moment, with social distancing going on, we are all in a long-distance relationship with our friends, church family, and even significant others. I want you to stop and think about how you are currently feeling about not being able to physically be with those you hold so dear to your heart. Seriously, take a minute and create a list of what you’re feeling. Maybe it’s sadness, frustration, or anger.
?Being physically away from the important people in your life for an extend amount of time is hard. But you know what makes it a little easier? Communication. Texting, calling, and video chatting makes long distance relationships not as hard.
Imagine if you didn’t talk with your friends, family, or significant other for a couple of days or weeks or even months. What would happen to that relationship? Would you drift apart? How would that make you feel? Would you be longing for that connection you once had with that person?
We are essentially in a long-distance relationship with God. We can’t physically be with Him until we pass from this earth. If we don’t talk to God daily, how can we have a close relationship with Him? If our relationships with physical people on this earth don’t work without communication, what makes us think a relationship with God without talking to Him will work?
You see, God wants us to talk to Him. The subject of prayer is strewn throughout the entirety of His word, the Bible. God wants a relationship with His people. God isn’t going to walk away from us but if we don’t talk to Him, we are walking away from the relationship we have with Him. God will “never leave you, or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6). If you find yourself distant from God, it wasn’t because He left you. “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth” Psalm 145:18
Take some time to recall the last time you talked to God. And I don’t mean when you prayed as a family before meals or going to sleep. When was the last time you truly prayed to God privately? When was the last time you poured your heart out to Him? If it has been more than a day, I want you to stop right now and have a heartfelt conversation with God. He is always there to listen to us. “Because He bends down to listen, I will pray until I no longer have breath” Psalm 116:2
Relationships of any kind takes effort and communication. You can’t accidentally have a close relationship with someone that lasts a long time. You have to be intentional about talking to someone long distance. Be intentional with spending time with God and talking to Him. Don’t just talk to Him when you need something either, no one likes people who only talk to them when they need something. We have to go the distance if we want a relationship with God.
Take this time of social distancing to work on your relationship with God. Talk to Him, spend time in His word, lean upon Him during this time on uncertainty. You will find rest and peace when you do that. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer” Romans 12:12
- Going the Distance - July 23, 2020
- There is Peace - July 25, 2019
- Little Did They Know - August 21, 2017
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