Greetings! To my Sister Bible Class Teachers!
In preparing to have a review about Joseph from the book of Genesis, I had all the questions and answers needed but was trying to find a fun way to present them to help the students not only to show they knew the answer but to also picture events from our lessons in their minds.
At present we are using the Apologetics Press curriculum. Along with review questions they offer a great many activities and thought you might like to see how I used one for part of our review, (grades 2-4).
A Large Crossword!
With 2 teams selected, the first part of our review began with a large crossword puzzle!
I made it large enough to have at the front of the room to fill in the answers together.
- 2 oversized posters (mine were more like heavy paper and longer than regular size poster board)
- Glue
- Clear packing/box tape
- Print out of original worksheet
- Enlarged squares of the crossword puzzle
- Answers written or typed out on a separate piece of paper
- Scissors
- A black sharpie marker
- Make a board by taping or gluing your 2 posters together.
- enlarge the title and glue title and original worksheet (which includes the questions for the crossword) onto the front of the board.
- Enlarge each set of squares for the answers (down and across) placing them before gluing onto the board.
- Mount the answer paper onto the back of the board.
- Cut the board into 2 pieces for lamination.
- Laminated both pieces of the game.
- Tape the board back together again with clear packing/box tape.
- Fill in the answers with a black sharpie marker. (Once the game is played the marker may be removed with fingernail polish remover.
I included my foot to show about how large this crossword ended up being.
Down and Across answers are shown on back of board below.
Adding in a Memory Game!
Answering questions was just the first step of our review.
There was a second step to each question that had to do with a memory game using large printed pictures from our lessons about Joseph.
- Print 2 of each illustration you have chosen to use in the review and mount each of them onto large pieces of construction paper.
- I used illustrations from the Free Bible Images site.
When a team discusses and answers a review question correctly (Pt.1), that team gets a point and a try to find a match in the Memory Game! If they find a match (Pt.2), they get a second point and must also tell what part of Joseph’s life that set of illustrations are showing. I ran out of yellow paper so just used random colors to mount the pictures on.
It was a great review and a ton of fun! We did this in teams for we had some age differences and the memory game is fun for just about any age. I plan to use this in our next year’s VBS!
We did have quite a few sets of pictures for our memory game and I think if I do it again I will either use half as many memory cards or give each team a certain amount to work with.
The team with the most points wins!
Thanks for stopping by and have fun with your future class review!
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