Greetings! To my sister Bible class teachers!
If your class is like mine, you find students who are behind in their Bible learning, some who are on target and yet others who are way ahead in their Bible learning. No matter the reason for this, as Bible teachers, we are here to help our students learn more about the Bible and it is all the better if we can make that learning interesting and fun!
This month I am going to share an idea I found online at Bible Fun for Kids and how I adapted it to my needs!
I loved this idea and wanted to be sure you got in on the fun!
It’s called Feed the Big Mouth Books!
I just happened to get the file downloaded the week before, printed off, items cut out, and glued onto my poster, all ready for Sunday Bible class.
Before any of my students arrived, I had been greeting some of the families with younger children when one of them happily came up to me and said, “I’m going to be in your Bible class today!”
I smiled at them and said, “You are?”
To My Surprise!
I had a little start inside and to my surprise, they were correct, this younger class would be joining mine because their teacher had just broken her arm the day before. Not sure why I was not notified sooner, but hey, things happen, and I was very happy I had some hands-on learning ready for our time together! I had grade 6 on down to grade 1. Oh boy, challenge time!
I had taught this younger class on a regular basis for a while, so they were used to my teaching style, and I was used to them. I just took it in stride, welcomed and began with our Sunday morning routine as best I could.
Thankfully I had my newly made poster ready for pre-class use!
The cards were shuffled and piled loosely on the table. A basket would work nicely.
After explaining the sorting rules, the students came up and got started!
They loved the game, and I heard one of the younger boys say,
“It really ate my card! Where did it go?”
I chuckled to myself and had fun taking pictures.
Later on, I showed them the pockets on the back.
They had me count how many cards they got right and wrong and they didn’t do too bad!
They do love a challenge!
Here’s how to make a Big Mouth Book Poster for yourself.
Hope you enjoy the pictures of my Bible class!
- Download and cut out all pieces of Old and New Test. Big Mouth Books.
- Cut out the white mouth of the 2 larger Old and New Testament Big Mouth Books.
- Arrange the pieces onto your contrasting poster board. (I chose gray).
- I added black and red card stock on the back of the two cut out mouth pictures and left a slit in each mouth in-between the black and red colors of the mouth.
- After gluing the Big Mouth Book pictures in place onto the poster, use a craft knife and insert it into the slit in the mouth between the black and red card stock. Following the same slit in the mouth, cut a slit the same size through the back of the gray poster that the pictures are glued to. This will create the rest of the hole to feed the Big Mouth Books. (I did not have black card stock, so I used black paper and that is why you see the black paper wrapped around onto the back of the gray poster to seal the black edges.)
- To make sure the cards aren’t inserted in-between the 2 slits of the poster and Big Mouth Book, you will need to seal the slits together. Use clear box tape and cut a few small pieces to be able to fit through the mouth slit through to the back of the poster. Attach the tape to the outside of the red mouth slit, pushing piece of tape through slit all the way to the back of the poster, overlapping the piece of tape onto the back of the gray poster slit. This process should attach both slit edges red and gray together, so they don’t come apart and cards will not fall through.
- To make back pocket. Tape a piece of clear heavy plastic or laminate onto the back of poster, completely covering the mouth slit. Tape plastic on all 4 sides to create a pocket for the cards to land in as students feed the Big Mouth Books. I cut a slit toward the middle of the pocket so I can reach in and get the cards out. In addition, you may attach a gallon size zip lock to the back of the poster for storing the cards.
My students loved it and I hope yours do too!
Thanks for stopping by and feel free to leave a comment!
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- Perk Up Your Kids’ Bible Class by Feeding the “Big Mouth”, Books! - March 20, 2024
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