Girls are so often urged to keep themselves pure, told that sex is for marriage only… and that’s it! That’s all they’re told! Generally speaking, there are no instructions given on how to accomplish this task in a society that is increasingly focused on impurity. Nary a word is spoken on how to keep temptation from overwhelming amidst a generation who sees sensuality as just another aspect of life to be explored as part of growing up.
Enter Cindy and Hannah Colley’s new lesson series, Pure on Purpose. As they put it…
For too long we have told our teens to be pure. We’ve said, “Just say no to sex before marriage.” But saying no is much more than articulating a two-letter word at the right time and place. It involves saying no a thousand times previously—to the media, to the influences of peers and to activities that would put them in compromising situations. If we want our children to live virtuous lives, we must give them virtue’s tools. We must give them skills to navigate treacherous paths where the devil is lurking at every curve. It’s our prayer that this series will help you to equip the souls in your care to avoid sexual sin and to one day find fulfillment in God-approved marriages.
I had the privilege of reading the workbook that goes along with the DVD series and I was quite impressed. There are 13 lessons in this series. Even-numbered lessons are included in the DVD series; odd-numbered lessons are in the workbook. For each lesson in the workbook, there are thought-provoking, relevant questions based on scripture. The scriptures used are explained thoroughly and skillfully. Still more impressive to me were the projects given. Many are based on discovering resources to be used not just for the lessons and discussions, but for godly living as a habit extending beyond the class. Practical, concrete advice– including a checklist of what girls and guys should be looking for in each other– is given as well. All of this together makes the series an excellent how-to handbook on pure living.
While Pure on Purpose is designed to be used in a classroom, it does not neglect the responsibilities of the mother (or a mentor) in purity training. Portions of the workbook are aimed at helping the mother/ mentor so that she is involved. I think this is nothing short of absolutely necessary and I am so pleased that this is how the Colleys set it up. For too long, we have signed over our parental duties to the Sunday school classroom, expecting a one hour class on Sundays and an hour on Wednesdays to do the job of training our children (let the reader understand: Bible classes are wonderful, but they do not take the place of parental training). In the Pure on Purpose series, mothers and daughters can learn to communicate not only with each other, but with others who are working toward the common goal of a life which is pleasing to God. As I read through the workbook, I pictured a classroom of mothers and daughters seated in a circle, workbooks open. There would be lively discussions centered on scripture and brainstorming ways to help one another not only stay pure, but to break from the world and be the living sacrifices we are called to be (Romans 12:1,2). Outside the classroom, there would be a team built to meet the challenges of pure living head-on.
This series fills a much-needed place and will deliver what today’s girls need as they seek to lead pure lives. It will strengthen resolve and provide the tools needed for the often rocky road ahead. If you have girls in your life ages 11+, I would encourage you to get more information on this series:
Here is a portion of the lesson on Philippians 4:8. I think you’ll find it encouraging; I did…
Whatever is true:
This word is self-explanatory. We should constantly be seeking that which is true. Lots of people today believe that truth doesn’t actually even exist; that there is no such thing as absolute truth. If you have already accepted the Bible as truth, then you have a standard of absolute truth. You have a reference point to which you can go to decide if a particular course of action is right or wrong. Since truth never changes, the same things will consistently be right in any situation. Actions that are wrong will always be wrong in any culture, place or time. Anything else that is factual in the realms of science, geology, history, logic, etc…will never contradict the absolute truth of the Bible.
God claims to be the author of absolute truth. Notice these passages and see how strong this claim is in scripture.
John 17:17-19
Psalms 119:142
Psalms 119:151
II Timothy 3:15The evidence inside the Bible is not the only evidence that it is truth, though. There are many geological discoveries, historical findings, and scientific evidences that point to its truth. In fact, there have been no discoveries in any of these fields that can prove it is not true.
Obviously, the first step in thinking about things that are true is Bible study. I hope you will commit to a daily Bible study every day for the rest of your life. I know you are busy. I know you have homework. But even a short time is better than no time at all.
Think of creative ways to carve out time for brief Bible study in your day. Can you carry a purse size copy to school for times in class or study hall when you are bored or waiting for others to finish an assignment? Could you set your alarm for ten minutes earlier each morning and take that time for study? Could you use your 15-minute break at work for time in the Truth? The seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11) You need to be planting it in your heart if you want to be producing fruit for Him when you are thirty.
Review by Erynn Sprouse
Excerpt by Cindy and Hannah Colley
Cindy Colley is a Christian homemaker, wife, mom and author. The home she “makes” is in Huntsville, AL where she lives with her husband (Glenn Colley), also an author, as well as minister and elder for the West Huntsville church of Christ. Her children, Caleb and Hannah, both collegiate, have published books as well. Cindy has authored five books for Christian women and co-authored several more. She keeps a blog, Bless Your Heart, which discusses many pertinent faith and culture issues.
Hannah Colley recently graduated from Freed-Hardeman University with a degree in English. She does many ladies’ and teen girls’ programs. Her first book, GIFTS was published when she was 16 and aims to help girls navigate their teen years with faith and godliness.
- Illuminations: James and Romans - June 17, 2021
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Thanks so much for this review Erynn! I always have a difficult time browsing through books trying to figure out what to teach from. It will help a lot to have reviews so I can know what books to look at!
Thanks so very much for articulating so well what was in our hearts when we wrote this series of lessons and produced these DVDs. How did you know? You sound exactly like a mom who would, above all things, hope your children could live their lives with few regrets and sit beside you around the throne one day! We have much in common. Thanks for taking the time to read and recommend. If just one girl could take the message of Pure on Purpose to heart and make the choices to remain pure for her prince and her Prince who are both coming for her one day, we would have accomplished our goal in producing the series. But we are praying God will use it in many lives. He can do anything!
Thanks for the review, Erynn. I have also read & watched the DVD’s over the summer, and plan to use the Pure on Purpose during the upcoming school year with my girls.
Well done, Cindy & Hannah – terrific resource!
What a wonderful book for young girls. Purity and modesty are such an important message that needs to be taught to young girls. It is so easy to explain, but no one wants to teach the material. Thank you for putting it into print!!
I’m excited to look into this! It’s w0nderful that the practical part of Christianity is being explained so well to this generation. This is especially helpful for me, a wife but not-yet mother, who is looking for resources to help prepare me for the more difficult aspects of parenthood. I’m grateful for my mother, because she was open with me and helped me understand much of what God expected of me, but every girl needs help taking a personal look at her situation – whatever it may be – and evaluate how she is measuring up to God’s standard. Thanks to the Colleys! Look forward to reading it!