In a recent conversation with my sister-in-law, we were discussing how frustrating it can be to lose weight. She and I have always shared in our endeavors to eat well and exercise, but it is not easy for either of us. We have been on countless “fad” diets, watching calories, watching carbs, but we always have the same result. We get bored very easily or end up becoming SO hungry we eat everything in sight!
So we decided the best thing to do was to become each other’s accountability partners. This consists of telling each other everything we’ve eaten throughout the day and what exercises we did as well. It was going well and we were telling each other how proud we were, and then came the hard part…..
My sister-in-law had a particularly difficult day at work, and decided she needed chocolate. Being a single gal on her own, she is on a budget and decided the most economical thing for her to do was to whip up a batch of brownies! Of course being single, she also knew she would be the only one to eat them. We all know that the package says it serves 20! (ha!) In my house, I usually have 12, but in the end, she knew if she didn’t do something drastic, she would eat them all! So after her chocolate need was fulfilled, she sprayed Windex on the rest, so they would be no good to eat. While at first I laughed hysterically when she told me this, I began to think about what a fantastic way this was for her to not give in to the temptation, and what lessons we could learn from this!
Guard Your Temptations
We live in weak feeble bodies! It is so easy for us to give in to many ways of sin, gossip, foul language, even being lazy. But being on guard can help us through all these trials. It is like walking into a candy store when you know you’re a diabetic. Knowing what makes you weak is a key in overcoming it. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us to “be sober, and vigilant” Always be on guard when you know you may slip. My sister KNOWING that if she did not put those brownies at an inedible state, she would eat them was a major step. Many times we completely envelope ourselves in bad situations, leaving us open to the world. This may not be an easy step. It may include: finding new friends who don’t gossip, or changing your own mindset to not judge others. But always remember to use the avenue of prayer, for God has power over all!
Guard Yourself With God
1 Corinthians 10:13 is so powerful, have you ever just sat down and thought about what is being taught to this church in Corinth. We ALL know this church had many, many problems, but they are basically being told, “Hey, God is faithful; He would never put you in a situation you cannot overcome, there will always be a way out!” But guess what? The way out is not going to be behind door number 3, we really have to look for it, and search for the truth and the answers!
Guard yourself with the Word
Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” I know what you’re saying already, “When I’m being tempted the last thing I want to do is read the Bible.” But the intent in this verse is so that the words of God are written in your heart ALWAYS so that in times of struggle, you will be able to resist. James 4:7 promises that the devil will flee! Maybe not the first time, probably not the second time either, as a matter of fact, it will probably become more difficult, but if you continue to resist, that promise will be fulfilled.
We all are aware that temptation is there for all of us, in many different ways. Some may seem like such a small indulgence, that we don’t consider it sin at all, but I challenge you this: really think through and decide if this is just a door to open to something much bigger. Maybe you’ve already eaten your one brownie, but you’re looking for more and before you know it, you’ve eaten the whole batch! Ask yourself, can I stop after just 1? If not, ladies I strongly encourage you to “spray Windex on the brownies!”
by Wanda Gail Coker
Wanda Gail and her husband, James, are recent graduates of the Bear Valley Bible institute of Denver. They currently reside in Woodland Park, CO where James is serving a pulpit minister at the Woodland Park church of Christ. They have been married for eight years and have three boys: Caleb, Mason, and Jacob.
Great job Wanda!!! I LOVED this!!!
great article! the humor was great and the application even better, thank you!
I like that idea of spraying windex on life’s “brownies”. Funny! Thank you for the encouraging and helpful words.
Wonderful, practical analogy. Thanks for the encouragement. Very well written!
Hey Wanda! I actually met you when I was there with Josh Austin and my husband, Nick. We stayed at Owen and Sheila’s. We are missionaries on the Navajo reservation.
Anyway, I love this article! I think I will seriously start spraying windex on my sweets, because I need help in not giving into temptation! Thank you for this great article about temptation!