Autumn is falling all around us. God in His infinite wisdom allows His creation a time to wind down and relax. This time of the year makes me feel more relaxed and calm, too. The crunching of the leaves and the coolness in the air all aid in a tranquil atmosphere.
God is an exceptional and awesome artist! And we can use this time full of brilliant and soothing colors to prepare out home for the winter solstice.
“Raise the song of harvest home; all is safely gathered in, ‘ere the winter storms begin.” ~ Henry Alford
God’s autumn season is a good time for us to create a clean and cozy home for our family and visitors. Making our homes a place of beauty, comfort and joy is a serious job and one that requires heavenly assistance. Autumn is a time of reflection and gathering. As we prepare our homes for the end of the year we need to pray about how we can make our homes a warm and comfortable refuge for all who enter. We need to pray for our physical and spiritual strength as household activities change and our home is more occupied.
It is helpful to make a list of all the chores and projects you would like to complete as summer ends and before winter begins. Making a “Leaf List” for your autumn agenda is an easier way to be disciplined in your tasks. It is always a joy to cross off the completed tasks… unless you are like me and somehow the list keeps regenerating as I cross off one item and add two more. Planning for a happy autumn-time is a fun project and it will bring joy to your household. “Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.” Proverbs 16:3
Cleaning the house of the summer long accumulation of cobwebs and dust can be easily accomplished when we hold in our hearts the joy of seeing our loved ones comfortable in our home. Another great motivator is when we realize that God has given us the task of homemaking and He is the unseen observer in all that we do. Remember that the inspired verse, “She looketh well to the ways of her household” applies to you and me (Proverbs 31:27).
Decorating our home with the colors and festivity of the autumn season can be a joy for the homemaker and for all the recipients of her efforts. Autumn colors are warm and bright; combining to give a cozy and comfortable feeling to all. Try creating a “welcome home” feeling that gently hugs all of those who enter your home. Our homemaking efforts are a gift to our family and friends. Any gift takes some effort on our part, but it is well worth it when those who are in our home receive the message that we care about our homes and enjoy our homemaking tasks.
“God bless the home in which we live; God bless its every part.
God grant it peace and sweet content; God grace our every heart.” ~Whitehouse
I would like to briefly mention a very important part of our homemaking success and that is to make sure that mama is emotionally, spiritually and physically capable of taking care of her family and home. A healthy body and attitude are important for making a happy home. The saying that, “If mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy” is so very true. A mama who is spiritually at her best will make the home and its occupants spiritually at their best. “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You. Because he trusts in You” (Isaiah 26:3). “Strength and honor are her clothing; she shall rejoice in time to come” (Proverbs 31: 25).
Don’t be afraid to put on your “June Cleaver” apron and play some cheerful music as you tackle your “Leaf List” for the season. Don’t forget to make your windows shiny for all to have a clear view of life as seen from inside your home. Don’t be afraid to “de-clutter” as you “putter” around the house. If you are unsure if you should save or discard an item, ask yourself if this item will enhance or bless your home or if it will not be missed if thrown away. It is surprising how much we can let go of if we know that it will not affect the quality of our life and home.
In days gone by, the autumn-time was looked forward to and it was a wonderful time for gatherings and for counting your blessings. A godly homemaker can carry on old family traditions or begin her own new ones. It will always bring joy to our children and to our children’s children when there are fond memories from the many traditions that mama has brought to the autumn season. I am sure we could all think of many wonderful ideas for autumn traditions, but here are a few: You can have fun decorating your home with fall colors and special decorations. Light many candles and make the home smell of cinnamon and nutmeg all through the cooler days. You can plan a fun Fall Festival with games and treats, along with decent and humorous costumes. Place hay bales around the yard and let the children play with them. Choose a special pumpkin recipe and make it a yearly request. Don’t forget to visit a local pumpkin patch (they are usually free) and have everyone carve his or her own pumpkin. And most importantly, continually point out to your family the artistic blessings from God with a “Thank you, God” throughout the autumn-time.
Let’s all work to put the “sweet” back in “home sweet home.” There are so many ways a godly woman can bless her nest and this autumn-time is a good opportunity to make your home a beautiful and comfortable haven for all your family and friends. Let your home praise God with your deeds and your words. Happy homemaking!
By Susan Follis
Susan Follis lives in Lamar, Colorado. She and her husband, Jim, have been married almost 34 years. They have six children and four grandchildren. She loves learning about being a godly wife and mother.
Thank you, Susan, for inspiring me to spruce things up around my home! I like the thought that keeping up with housekeeping is a gift to my family…
Susan, Thanks for this timely help! This is my very favorite time of the year, but it can quickly become not so great when I get overwhelmed with too much going on! Your article is a great encouragement to get some things done, to encourage my family, to make it fun, to be a blessing to others! Thanks so much!
We are on the same page!!! Soon as our Ladies day weekend is over I am tearing my house apart and making my home a refuge!!! I can’t wait!!!