When unto the starry sky
I, one evening, turned my eye,
God’s handiwork was spread,
There above my lowly head.
How is it that any man
Can attribute, but to God’s hand,
All the wonders here to see–
All these miracles that be?
Thank you Lord, for all of this,
And for my soul’s peaceful bliss.
by Faith Smalling
Faith and her husband, Terry, serve with the Wagoner church of Christ in Wagoner, OK. Terry has served as the pulpit minister there for seven years. Faith enjoys doing public speaking and writing poetry as well as spending time with their Boston Terrier.
Thank you for those encouraging words. :o)
Hi Erynn….I have really been enjoying your blog…..I have linked to you on my blog roll and I have an award for you. Please stop by and get it one day when you have a few extra minutes……I know…what are those? 🙂 Blessings~ Debbie
Beautiful poem! I am so bummed that I am not going to get to go to dinner with you tonight. Maybe we can re-schedule for when my kiddos are healthy? (If that ever actually happens). Thanks for your service to our Lord!
Wonderful poem, Donna Faith! Thank you for sharing this with us! I miss you and I’m so glad to see you on here! I don’t have any of your contact info. If you email, will you please send me your email address through Erynn? Love you!