Many a time, when forced to wait,
Though I, myself, had not been late,
Finding myself with nothing to do
Until I find what I always knew–
My little friend from my pocketbook!
He seems so small, when first you look,
But he’s so much bigger than them all.
Even though he looks so very small!
I keep him in my purse, right here,
So that he is always near.
When I’m again forced to wait,
My BIble, I read, there at the gate.
Yes, I take it wherever I go,
So that while I wait, I also grow.
‘Tis quite a way to pass the time
In a waiting room, or in a line,
You’ll alwyas have something to do,
If you keep your friend,
your Bible, with you.
by Faith Smalling
Faith and her husband, Terry, serve with the Wagoner church of Christ in Wagoner, OK. Terry has served as the pulpit minister there for seven years. Faith enjoys doing public speaking and writing poetry as well as spending time with their Boston Terrier.
I enjoyed your poem. Very encouraging!